Title: Message
What you are proposing is making your OS/390 QM a single point for many, many clients, which does introduce some possibilities of the different apps effecting each other. I posed this question a while back under the subject "Vulnerabilities for Client Concentrator Model". If you do a search at http://messageq.ebizq.net/forums/vienna/ for this subject, you can see what other people have said about it.
I don't know that having an OS/390 QM as the client concentrator is any more or less desirable than a Windows QM. Depends on how sensitive you are about your OS/390. We chose to use a Windows box. Our company depends on IMS being up. We thought it would be safer to first have them connect to a single Windows QM and then go to OS/390. If the clients could somehow crash a QM, we figure let them crash the Windows QM, where they only effect themselves, rather than the OS/390, which would effect everyone trying to message with the mainframe. Maybe overly paranoid....

Peter Potkay
IBM MQSeries Certified
X 77906

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Moir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:48 AM
Subject: Client Attachment Feature for OS/390

the only thing we use MQ server on Windows NT or 2000 for is to attach clients (on Windows) to applications running on OS/390. i.e client connects to server on NT and puts to remote queue from there to OS/390 where the app. runs (in IMS) and then back to the NT server where the client picks the reply up from.
We do not have the Client Attach feature for OS/390.
I think that if we installed the client attach feature on OS/390 we could just junk all our MQ/NT servers and bring the clients directly into OS/390. I can see this having a number of benefits to us.
In principle is it as easy that ? Are then any "gotchas" with connecting clients on windows 2000 to OS/390 or in using the client attach feature ?
Are many people doing this ?
any view much appreciated.


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