All of a sudden getting the message below when accessing the MQ Explorer.
Have ensured that my userid is in both the Administrator group and the mqm
group. Can do everything using a command prompt but not with the MQ
Explorer. Changes had been made to the security template but the Windows
experts are at a loss to explain. Anyone have this happen??

"Could not initialize Webshpere MQ Services Objects. 0x8000401A The server
process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect.
Check the user name and password. AMQ4100"

In addition, checked the Event Viewer and see this message........

DCOM got error "Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested
logon type at this computer. " and was unable to logon .\MUSR_MQADMIN in
order to run the server:

 Any help greatly appreciated.  BB.

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