To anyone with experience,

We originally had three NT MQ servers that would handle MQ connections from
11 websphere app servers and then had SNA channels defined to our OS/390
environment.  The 11 app servers are spread across three mainframe LPARS in
4x4x3 configuration.  The NT boxes served for the most part as a protocol
converter from IP to SNA.  Since our OS/390 platform's tcp stack has become
more robust, we have been migrating towards direct client channel
connections to the 390.  We have an application that runs on websphere
(3.5x) that makes connections to the 390 on an as needed basis.  If a
request comes in, it searches for the first available connection, and if it
doesn't find any it creates a new one.  We maintain the state of these
connections such that 30-40 per websphere app server seems to handle our
needs most of the time.  However, when an influx of requests occurs in a
short span of time (say 3-5 seconds), and the mainframe is slightly slow in
responding, we tend to spin through these connections creating many in a
short time frame.  We only allow 100 per app server and have 4 app servers
pointed at a specific LPAR on the 390.

We seem to have issues some times where connections go inactive, then new
channels are started, more connections go inactive, more are started and
this goes on for a few minutes where several hundred connections seem to
get started and dropped.  It's basically impossible to determine if it's
only old connections that are being dropped.  Some of the settings such as
HBINT are left at the default of 300 and the TCPKEEPALIVE settings are also
at default which I think is set pretty high to reduce network traffic.

Is anyone else out there trying anything similar to this?  Would I be
better off keeping the NT MQ servers and defining server channels as TCP
between NT * the 390 thereby allowing the NT boxes to function as a
concentrator? We currently have a problem where one of the OS/390 QMGRs
CHIN application crashes during a cycle of intense channel creation.

I'm just looking for someone who may be able to help with a relatively high
volume MQ message application (approx. 3MM messages per day) who may have
run into something that explains the channel starts and stops a little
better (I realize it may just be the way our application is written, but
the application never specifically shuts down connections unless the
application itself shuts down).

David Corbett
Work:  651-205-2714
Pager: 651-610-3842

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