I think this is a specific issue with 1208, 858 and HP-UX.  You are trying to do the conversion on the sender channel i.e. the HP-UX qmgr is trying to do the convert, but if you look at appendix H in the APR you will see the following re support for MQ conversion to/from Unicode (codepages 1200, 13488, 17584 and 1208).... notice that 858 is not among those listed. 

WebSphere MQ HP-UX support for Unicode

On MQSeries for HP-UX Version 5 or later, conversion on HP to, and from, the Unicode CCSIDs is supported for the following CCSIDs:

813 819 874 912 915 916
920 932 938 950 954 964
970 1051 1089 1200 1208 1381
5050 5488 13488 33722

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 12:12 PM
Subject: Processing the Euro symbol in MQSeries messages


We're trying to enable our machines to be able to process the Euro symbol within MQSeries messages.  We follow a hub and spoke topology here and are unable to upgrade all machine configurations to use the correct code page configurations.  

We have a project that will upgrade the hub and we decided to ensure the hub is able to support the Euro for any future applications connecting to it.  We changed the queue manager CCSID from 850 to 858 (recommended NT code page for the Euro) and have now hit problems.  We are sending messages from a HP-UX queue manager with a code page of 1208 to the new hub and finding the messages do not come across the channel.  Channel conversion is set to YES and the error messages appearing in the HP-UX queue manager logs are as follows:

03/12/03  06:25:56
AMQ6047: Conversion not supported.

MQSeries is unable to convert string data tagged in CCSID 1208 to data in CCSID
Check the appropriate National Language Support publications to see if the
CCSIDs are supported by your system.

Does this mean that we would need to configure all our application queue managers to use the correct code pages for this to work or is this a specific issue with just conversion between 1208 and 858 code pages?



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