I running Win2K server on a dell box.
MQSeries 5.2.1 with CSD 06

With the server up and running normal
Queue manager running and set to Automatic startup
Command Server running and set to Automatic startup
Channel Initiator running and set to Automatic startup
Listener  running and set to Automatic startup

When I restart the server the following occurs...
Queue manager not running  / shows stopped and set set to Manual startup
Command Server not running / shows stopped and set to Manual startup
Channel initiator not running  / shows stopped and set to Manual startup
(However, on this one, if I show Task Manager, Runmqchi
shows running? )
The Listener does not appear and I would need to recreate it at this point.

I have deinstalled and reinstalled MQSeries, tried an efix from IBM and then
went to CSD 06. Currently IBM is suspecting a registry problem and I am in
the process of collecting more doc.  I am thinking it is environmental but
wanted to see if anyone has seen this or has any thoughts?


> Chris A. Stone
> Specialist MQSeries Support
> GLOBE Center AMS
> (+1 818 549 5866
> (+1 909 544 1026 (Cell)

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