Hi Pierre,

While reading your email the error looks familiar but when I saw the code
everything looks fine. But when I took I closer look I saw in your code a
really small detail which I think, could be the wrong thing.

In your compute node you are building a wrong XML message. I noticed you
wanted to add the XML declaration before your data.
This is the correct ESQL code to add the xml declaration.

--Create an XML Declaration
SET OutputRoot.XML.(XML.XmlDecl)='';
--Set the Version within the XML Declaration
SET OutputRoot.XML.(XML.XmlDecl).(XML.Version)='1.0';
--Set the Encoding within the XML Declaration
SET OutputRoot.XML.(XML.XmlDecl).(XML."Encoding")='UTF-8';
--Set Standalone within the XML Declaration
SET OutputRoot.XML.(XML.XmlDecl).(XML.Standalone)='no';

To complete your code you could take a look to section "Referencing
information in XML message" in Chapter 2 in the ESQL reference manual.

I hope this could help you.

Manuel Carlos Rodriguez
IBM Certified Specialist - WebSphere MQ

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:   pierre La Fluffe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el:   Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:35 PM
> Asunto:       MQSI 2.1 aggregate reply looping when error downstream
> Hi all
> I got a real bad problem, pulling my hair out, I can't work it out.
> I have an aggregate node and a downstream compute node.  The compute node
> complains as follows:
> ( MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER.CCMS ) XML Writing Errors have occurred.
> Errors have occurred during writing of XML.
> Review further error messages for an indication to the cause of the
> errors.
> XML looks fine see trace partial trace and the compute node code. The
> problem then becoems wors that the aggregatereply mode goes into a loop a
> reissueing errors - never stops (I run out of disk space).
> Firsttime in my trace I get a good ComIbmAggregateReplyBody record.
> Subsequent times I get a null  ComIbmAggregateReplyBody.
> The failing compute node is as follows:
> SET I = 1;
>         SET OutputRoot.*[I] = InputRoot.*[I];
>         SET I=I+1;
> -- Enter SQL below this line.  SQL above this line might be regenerated,
> causing any modifications to be lost.
> -- We assume it was the HostReply part that timed out, otherwise we have
> big
> problems.
> I have had this happen on Win2000 and HP-UX
> The input is somthing like:
> -----------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <?ifx version="1.2.0" ?>
> <!DOCTYPE IFX SYSTEM "finware.dtd">
> <MultiHost>
> ....
> </MultiHost>
> -----------------------------------------------
> Regards Pierre
> ---------------COMPUTE NODE code------------------------------
> SET OutputRoot.MQMD.Version = 2;
> SET OutputRoot.MQMD.Format = 'MQSTR   ';
> --This is where it fails I assume
> SET OutputRoot.XML."XML" =
> InputRoot.ComIbmAggregateReplyBody.NextHost.XML.XML;
> SET OutputRoot.XML."IFX" =
> InputRoot.ComIbmAggregateReplyBody.NextHost.XML.IFX;
> SET OutputRoot.XML.MultiHost =
> InputRoot.ComIbmAggregateReplyBody.NextHost.XML.MultiHost;
> This code has worked, and now it doesn't work - the input message has not
> changed.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The trace is as follows:
> Root:
> (
>   (0x1000000)Properties               = (
>     (0x3000000)MessageSet      = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageType     = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageFormat   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Encoding        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)CodedCharSetId  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Transactional   = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)Persistence     = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)CreationTime    = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ExpirationTime  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Priority        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyIdentifier = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyProtocol   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Topic           = NULL
>   )
>   (0x1000000)ComIbmAggregateReplyBody = (
>     (0x1000000)NextHost = (
>       (0x1000000)Properties = (
>         (0x3000000)MessageSet      = ''
>         (0x3000000)MessageType     = ''
>         (0x3000000)MessageFormat   = 'XML'
>         (0x3000000)Encoding        = 546
>         (0x3000000)CodedCharSetId  = 437
>         (0x3000000)Transactional   = FALSE
>         (0x3000000)Persistence     = FALSE
>         (0x3000000)CreationTime    = NULL
>         (0x3000000)ExpirationTime  = -1
>         (0x3000000)Priority        = 0
>         (0x3000000)ReplyIdentifier =
> X'414d51204d5153495f53414d504c455fceb2793e12300200'
>         (0x3000000)ReplyProtocol   = NULL
>         (0x3000000)Topic           = NULL
>       )
>       (0x1000000)MQMD       = (
>         (0x3000000)SourceQueue      = ''
>         (0x3000000)Transactional    = FALSE
>         (0x3000000)Encoding         = 546
>         (0x3000000)CodedCharSetId   = 437
>         (0x3000000)Format           = 'MQSTR   '
>         (0x3000000)Version          = 2
>         (0x3000000)Report           = 0
>         (0x3000000)MsgType          = 1
>         (0x3000000)Expiry           = -1
>         (0x3000000)Feedback         = 0
>         (0x3000000)Priority         = 0
>         (0x3000000)Persistence      = 0
>         (0x3000000)MsgId            =
> X'414d51204d5153495f53414d504c455fceb2793e12300200'
>         (0x3000000)CorrelId         =
> X'414d51204d5153495f53414d504c455fceb2793e12300200'
>         (0x3000000)BackoutCount     = 0
>         (0x3000000)ReplyToQ         = 'Q.REPLIES.BROKERED.MULTIHOST
>            '
>         (0x3000000)ReplyToQMgr      = 'MQSI_SAMPLE_QM
>            '
>         (0x3000000)UserIdentifier   = 'mqsiuid     '
>         (0x3000000)AccountingToken  =
> X'160105150000009e407e1418514964f89fb474f103000000000000000000000b'
>         (0x3000000)ApplIdentityData = '                                '
>         (0x3000000)PutApplType      = 11
>         (0x3000000)PutApplName      = 'r 2.1\bin\DataFlowEngine.exe'
>         (0x3000000)PutDate          = DATE '2003-03-20'
>         (0x3000000)PutTime          = GMTTIME '12:36:40.640'
>         (0x3000000)ApplOriginData   = '    '
>         (0x3000000)GroupId          =
> X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
>         (0x3000000)MsgSeqNumber     = 1
>         (0x3000000)Offset           = 0
>         (0x3000000)MsgFlags         = 0
>         (0x3000000)OriginalLength   = -1
>       )
>       (0x1000010)XML        = (
>         (0x5000018)XML       = (
>           (0x6000011) = '1.0'
>           (0x6000012) = 'UTF-8'
>         )
>         (0x5000020)IFX       = (
>           (0x6000008) = 'finware.dtd'
>           (0x5000022) =
>         )
>         (0x1000000)MultiHost = (
>           (0x1000000)Id  = (
>             (0x1000000)CountBankSvcRqs = (
>               (0x2000000) = '2'
>             )
>             (0x1000000)NextBankSvcRqs  = (
>               (0x2000000) = '2'
> ......
> ......
>           )
>         )
>       )
>     )
>   )
> )
> Root:
> (
>   (0x1000000)Properties               = (
>     (0x3000000)MessageSet      = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageType     = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageFormat   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Encoding        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)CodedCharSetId  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Transactional   = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)Persistence     = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)CreationTime    = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ExpirationTime  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Priority        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyIdentifier = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyProtocol   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Topic           = NULL
>   )
>   (0x1000000)ComIbmAggregateReplyBody =
> )
> Root:
> (
>   (0x1000000)Properties               = (
>     (0x3000000)MessageSet      = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageType     = NULL
>     (0x3000000)MessageFormat   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Encoding        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)CodedCharSetId  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Transactional   = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)Persistence     = UNKNOWN
>     (0x3000000)CreationTime    = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ExpirationTime  = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Priority        = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyIdentifier = NULL
>     (0x3000000)ReplyProtocol   = NULL
>     (0x3000000)Topic           = NULL
>   )
>   (0x1000000)ComIbmAggregateReplyBody =
> )
> _________________________________________________________________
> Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
> the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
> Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.com
Archive: http://vm.akh-wien.ac.at/MQSeries.archive

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