How many weeks should I leave my W2K MQSeries Production Hub Server running before scheduling a reboot.

Recently we had a problem where for no apparent reason our Production qmgr fell over, it produced some FDC's which I am sending to IBM.  There does not seem to be anything of relevance in the MQSeries Error logs or Event Viewer.

We run a hub-spoke architecture with over 50 qmgrs connecting to the hub.  Typical message volumes are 200,000 - 300,000 per day.

I am concerned that perhaps the server was simply "stressed" and required a reboot.  It has been running for 21 days.  Our current reboot schedule is every 28 days.

Can anyone contribute their experiences or opinions in this area.  I do realise that the a common answer to "How often should I reboot my server?  is, "It depends", but it would be great to hear about some real world experiences.  Does anyone have a MQSeries on W2K server, that processes hundreds of thousands of messages a day, that regularly runs for months on end?

MQVersion is 5.2 CSD3

Proliant DL380
2 CPU - 930 mhz

Any input is much appreciated,


Matt Gurney

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