Hi Anil,

Are you using the Format and CCSID fields in the RFH2
header? Do you set the MQMD Format field to FMRFH2?

Jonas Nyberg
Electrolux IT Solutions - Sweden

-----Original Message-----
From: Anilmohan 201872 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 16:56:36 +0530
Subject: CCSID issues when receiving messages

Hi All

Below is a description of our project, followed by the problem.

Brief Description:
In our project, we have a MQSI flow deployed on Sun Solaris (UNIX) environment that 
sends messages to a Java adapter( a java program) residing on AS/400. The Java adapter 
parses the received message, extracts a service request, gets the request data from 
DB2 and then sends a message back to the MQSI with the requested data in the form of a 
XML String. The data contains both character and numeric.

>From the MQSI on Solaris, we are adding a RFH2 header to the message before it is 
>sent to the AS/400 box. The Java adapter ignores the header, and simply adds the same 
>header to the reply message.

When MQSI Request flow sends the request message to adapter it sets the CCSID to 819. 
Java Adapter is able to read the message and can parse it as well. After processing 
the request, Java adapter sends the response back to MQSI Reply flow but with CCSID of 
32 (Native to MQ Queue manager on AS/400), and when MQSI reply flow receives the 
response and tries to parse it for getting business specific information, the flow 
throws parsing exception.

But, currently we have made a temporary fix. That is, in the Java adapter code, we are 
setting(hardcoding) the CCSID to 819 before PUTting the message. The MQSI flow will 
then not throw any exceptions! And we want to avoid hardcoding, if at all possible.

We have tried converting the message on request and reply flows and also tried 
conversion on MQ channels but all options have failed.

We have tried the following without any success.
        Set CCSID on both sides to respective codepages, (all sorts of combinations)
        Changed the encoding, etc,
        Tried keeping CONVERT "ON".
        Set Format to String.

Are we missing something? Can you please help us solve this?

Thanks in advance.


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