We have a situation where we have multiple queue managers that support WAS and Tuxedo 
applications doing request/reply with a vendor's queue manager.  Up until now we have 
only a handful of queue managers connecting to the vendor, but the setup is difficult. 
 We have to get NAT'd IP addresses established on the firewall for each internal 
server, then have to wait several weeks for the vendor to get channels and there 
firewall setup and hope nobody changes an IP address.

What we are considering doing is setting up an "edge-of-network" queue manager that is 
the only one connected to the vendor (actually probably 2 separate servers) this way 
our internal queue managers could connect to a clustered queue that is a remote 
definition to the vendor's request queue (load balance to intermediate server).  This 
way we only have to establish connectivity with the vendor w/ 2 servers.  It seems 
like a good idea, but has anyone tried this before and have any suggestions?

I can think of at least 1 issue regarding the reply queue name.  The reply message 
will have to be routed back to the correct internal server.  We could code the 
intermediate servers queue manager name and reply queue in the message so the vendor 
automatically routes it back to a "correct" reply-to-queue.  Then the intermediate 
reply-to-queue would be a remote definition of the real internal queue managers 
reply-to-queue.  This would be ok, except that we would have to manage a set of 
intermediate reply-to-queue/remote queues.  Can anyone think of a better way to do it 
so everything is auto-defined?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Brian M. McCarty
USAA, Senior Systems Programmer
MQ/WMQI Specialist/Solutions Expert
e-business Solution Advisor/Designer/Technologist

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Wyatt, T. Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:27 AM
Subject:             Re: MQSeries in DMZ

I'm in San Francisco for the Advanced Clustering class this week so maybe
I'll have a different view by Friday.  At the moment, however, I'd have to
say that clustering adds even more security considerations into the mix.  It
does channel auto-definition by default and the cluster channels need all
the same exits that we've already discussed.  If you put an exit on a
cluster receiver of your AppServer so it can talk to the DMZ, then every
other server that uses the same cluster receiver needs the same exit!
Furthermore, it stores a lot of data about your trusted network on its local
repository so this becomes an obvious target for intruders.

I'm a little leary about using a clustered DMZ node but, as I said, I may
change my mind by Friday.  I'll have to ask the instructor for comments.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: MQSeries in DMZ


You have raised a good point in using the MQ server in the DMZ as a pass
through and having the data processing on an internal server, perhaps a
cluster might achieve this, the source queues and processing of the clear
text data could occur on the internal server and the encrypted data resides
in the DMZ server, then using SSL to harden the channel and using a security
exit for authentication as well as firewall routing rules would give you a
reasonably secure environment.

I am only suggesting the cluster to give a bit of scope for expansion and
perhaps easier management. When I try it here at work sometime in the next
few months, I'll let everyone know how practical it is.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wyatt, T. Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 7 June 2003 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: MQSeries in DMZ


To expand a little further, the ideal situation is that encryption/signing
of messages occurs at the endpoints whereas connections need to be
authenticated point-to-point.  So you are right that some kind of app-to-app
encryption is best here.  SSL only authenticates or encrypts from
point-to-point and only on the wire.  The messages are in plaintext on the
queue making them vulnerable as they hop through the DMZ.

However, firewall IP filtering does not qualify as authentication.  SSL
between the DMZ and the client site hardens that communication path so I
still believe SSL is appropriate here.  Of course, I work for a bank and
take a pretty conservative approach to external connections.

As far as storing keys in the DMZ, my objection is that no processing or
manipulation of the messages should occur in the DMZ.  They should just pass
through.  Keys for point-to-point authentication (SSL for example) are
necessary, of course.  But as far as manipulating the messages, the whole
point of the DMZ is that you don't trust it, right?  If you did, you
wouldn't need a DMZ, you'd just put your app server right next to the
external firewall and forget about it.  So if we don't trust the DMZ, the
last thing we want to do is store the keys to the castle in it.  But as I
said, my employer requires me to take a rather conservative view of these
things.  Your mileage may vary.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: David C. Partridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: MQSeries in DMZ

Nice summary.   SSL is (probably) not appropriate here for encryption
purposes, and an application to application encryption product such as
Primeur DSMQ E2E (preferred by me anyway, but then I'm biased, as I designed
it), Candle MQSecure, or Tivoli AMBI is more appropriate.

Alternatives to SSL could also be considered such as channel exit based
solutions (strange we do that too!).   As far as the issue of storing keys
on the DMZ machine is concerned, I wouldn't be worried if the keys were
stored in an HSM.


-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Wyatt,
T. Rob
Sent: 05 June 2003 19:00
Subject: Re: MQSeries in DMZ


Make sure you use MQ 5.3 in the DMZ.  One of the new features is a channel
attribute that binds the channel to a particular local IP address.  Your DMZ
will have two addresses we are concerned with - the IP address your trusted
network sees, and the IP address the world sees.  You will also have two
categories of channel: customer-facing channels and internal-facing
channels.  By specifying the LOCLADDR, you can insure that your
internal-facing channels are not hijacked by external users.

For example, assume your DMZ server has a RCVR or RQSTR channel called
APPSVR.DMZ with no exit.  One of your customers could create a SDR or SVR
channel called APPSVR.DMZ and try to start it. Without a LOCLADDR specified,
the channel would bind to the external-facing IP and the firewall would
allow the connection.  On the other hand, if you set the LOCLADDR attribute
to your internal-facing IP address, the external firewall will disallow the

There are a LOT of other considerations.  For example, if the data is
sensitive and encrypted, you don't want to store the keys on the DMZ.  It
would be better to have the messages signed/encrypted at either end and have
them pass the DMZ unaltered.

Also, IP filtering as provided at the firewall is strong but not 100%
reliable.  It is possible to spoof an IP address and it is possible that an
intrusion attempt could come from a trusted business partner.  If your
listeners are running as mqm, they can potentially be hijacked.  Better to
run your listeners as low-privileged IDs.  Use different listeners and ports
for internal-facing and external-facing connections.  In fact, use different
listeners for each customer if you want to be really safe.

Finally, consider the implications of multiple clients using the same QMgr.
If one client can put messages onto another client's remote queue, your
company may be partially liable for any damages that are caused.  You can
enforce isolation of each client's traffic if each client has its own
listener, running under its own ID, listening on its own port; and each
client has its own channel pair, its own UserID in the MCAUSER, and its own
remote queues authorized to that UserID.

This is just a quick review.  If you really want to harden your DMZ (and I
hope you do by now!) There are many additional options available in MQ
configuration, exits, architecture, etc.  It all depends on how valuable and
sensitive the messages are and how far you want to go to protect them.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: Madsen, Timothy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 11:06 AM
Subject: MQSeries in DMZ

We have external partners who need to connect to our MQSeries.  So, we could
put an MQSeries server in our DMZ and let those external people connect to
that MQ and then have the DMZ MQ connect to our internal MQ.  We can
configure our firewall (Cisco Pix) to only let MQ appropriate
ports/protocols pass from the internet to the DMZ MQ server.

However, we would still be allowing **anybody** on the internet to send
messages to our MQSeries in our DMZ.  We are working with a small list of
partners - they are not anonymous.

So - from this two questions:

1)  Would this be considered a fairly secure configuration - from the
standpoint of a hacker trying to get into our MQ box and crash it or access
OS services?

2)  What is a standard method whereby we could allow our external partners
to send MQ messages - but not allow other people on the internet to send MQ
messages to our DMZ MQ server?


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