"This description, whilst a little informative, is really not gonna help
us. I don't know of too many psychic developers out here."

What part of "I am a mainframe person" didn't we understand

Help, not scarcasim, would be nice. I don't think John would even know what
information to supply as he is also getting this third person.

As for your problem John it could be possible that the C++ Object is not
doing a disconnect therefore not releasing the connection handle. OR, maybe
it just isn't going away and you are "stacking" tasks. Maybe a repeated "ps
-ef | grep xxxxxxxxx" (where xxxxx is your C++ application) on the UNIX side
may show this.


From: Antony Boggis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DLL Help
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:39:59 -0700

This description, whilst a little informative, is really not gonna help
us. I don't know of too many psychic developers out here.

Now if could provide more detail, like how does the COM object connect
to the UNIX platform. DLL on UNIX? No such thing. There are however,
shared libraries, similar to DLLs.



-----Original Message-----
From: Young.John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 8:16 AM
Subject: DLL Help

We have a bad situation here. VB applications are going thru a com object to access a DLL written in C++ on the unix side. The problem is that none of the connections are being released. So each time a VB app starts, it creates another connection until our max handle connection has reached it max.

I am a mainframe person, and this is pretty much how the problem was
explained to me.  Does anyone have any suggesions? The information
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