
This is a good piece of information. I think the problem may be due to too
many requests queuing up at the listener. 
Have you tried with multiple listeners? For example a process with 20
threads, 10 connecting to the port 1414 and 10 to port 1415. 


-----Original Message-----
From: mikhail malamud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 3:40 AM
Subject: Re: MQ Java Client NT Service and MQJE011 error

Vaic -
I am currently experiencing the same problem and have an open PMR with
IBM in regards to it.
I get MQJE001 under slightly different circumstances though. Here is the
set up I have.
Main thread launches n number of threads (agents). Each thread/agent
establishes its own connection to the queue manager and performs gets
and puts.
The error happens when n > 16 intermittenly and permanently if n > 18.
Error does not happen if there is a delay between the thread starts.
Delay should be > 50milli secs.
Note that I do not have any problems lauching 100 process each starting
less than 16 threads all connecting to the same queue manager.
Let me know if you want more info.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Vaic,  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Miroslav (CONS FIN, Trask,
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: MQ Java Client NT Service and MQJE011 error

Good morning to everybody. 
We are looking for a solution to a tough problem: 
We prepared a program in Java using Java client MQ files
(com.ibm.mq.jar). The program is working perfectly when run
interactively, but we need it to run as an NT service on Windows (using
SRVANY utility from Microsoft Resource Kit). Whenever we try to start
it, we get the following error:

MQJE001: An MQException occurred: Completion Code 2, Reason 2059 
MQJE011: Socket connection attempt refused 

We start the program using SRVANY utility from Microsoft and we expected
that there may be some problems related to the network access limits for
LocalSystem account etc. So, we tried several different accounts
including local user account and domain user account - no success.

We know that there is no problem with the QMGR because when running the
program from a command prompt, everything is perfectly all right. We
have also tried several different QMGRs including one that is local to
our client (but also through TCP which is crucial to our architecture).
What is quite interesting, running NETSTAT shows that there is a
connection bound for this case:

Aktivní připojení 
  Místní adresa Proto         Cizí adresa        Stav cizí adresy 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1132       s0003cgcfge.adcz.cz:1026  NAVÁZÁNO 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1202
pgfil01.cz.gcf.capital.ge.com:netbios-ssn  NAVÁZÁNO 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1580       udebsb.cz.gcf.capital.ge.com:22
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1733       s0003cgcfge.adcz.cz:epmap  TIME_WAIT 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1734       s0003cgcfge.adcz.cz:1026  TIME_WAIT 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1736       s0001cgcfge.adcz.cz:epmap  TIME_WAIT 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1737       s0001cgcfge.adcz.cz:1026  TIME_WAIT 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1414       W0759CGCFGE.adcz.cz:1699  NAVÁZÁNO 
  TCP    W0759CGCFGE:1699       W0759CGCFGE.adcz.cz:1414  NAVÁZÁNO 
(comment: NAVÁZÁNO means BOUND in Czech) 
Please, does anyone solve similar problem or would IBM support know any
solution ? 
The product we use is WebSphere MQ 5.3 CSD 03 (Sun Solaris & Windows
Thank for any help. 
Miroslav Vaic 

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