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-----Original Message-----
From: Vaic, Miroslav (CONS FIN, Trask, CONTRACTOR)
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:14 PM
Subject: MQ monitoring & administration

I would like to ask experienced MQ users about their opinion on the MQ
administration and management tools. I mean, there are these basic

1) Use the standard tools aka MQ Explorer + MO71 + some more support pacs
for event hadnling, dlq monitoring etc

2) Buy a well-known MQ management tool from a branded company like BMC or
Nastel (of course it is not cheap :-)

Where should be the border between 1) and 2)? For two QMGRS it should be
possible to run with MQ Explorer and MO71. For thousands QMGRS you simply
need some advanced tool. But, for about ten QMGRS with about 20 objects in
each of them - it is the question...

Thank you for any comments/suggestions...
Especially the comment from Paul Clarke (author of MO71) would be welcome.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Message on dead letter queue

>Hi everyone,

>On the NT with WQM 5.3 when I am using amqsbcgc  to
>browse our dead letter queue, I am getting this at the
>beginning of a message:

>00000000:  444C 4820 0100 0000 2508 0000 5445 5354
>'DLH ....%...TEST'
>00000010:  2E41 474D 452E 4F52 4420 2020 2020 2020
>'.AGME.ORD       '
>00000020:  2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 '

>I think 2508 (decimal 9480) is the reason field. But d
>there is no such reason code. How to figure it out? Is
>this explained in any manual?

>Many thanks.



You've already had enough people telling you what the return code is so I
won't repeat it. But you might like to try my support pac MA01 which allows
you to browse a queue a little like amqsbcg. However, MA01 will format the
output for you. Just issue the command : q -iSYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE -df
It always knows the format of transmission queues, initiation queues, event
queues etc.

You can also browse the Dead Letter Queue and see formatted output using my
other support pac MO71.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

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