I understand about  the indexing. That was why I specifically excluded it
from consideration.

                      "Potkay, Peter M
                      (PLC, IT)"                 To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
                      RTFORD.COM>                Subject:  Re: MQGMO-WAITINTERVAL
                      Sent by: "MQSeries
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      07/18/2003 10:44 AM
                      Please respond to
                      "MQSeries List"

If you index your queue by CorrelId or Message ID, whichever you method you
use to select your messages, you will see big performance gain.

We have an IMS app that does a get by CorrelID. Once, the reply queue had
3,000 orphans (don' t ask, its been fixed). Anyway, while that queue had
3,000 messages on it, the IMS performance folks were howling on all the CPU
being used by MQ. I cleared out the queue and they were happy.

I indexed the queue, put 10,000 dummy messages in the queue, and asked the
IMS performance folks what they saw now. No CPU usage problems at all.
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Dave Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 10:31 AM

      I guess I should have included our design specs, this was a receiver
      only channel from NT to ZOS (I am the CICS guy not MQ)

      as it hit ZOS there was a trigger on the queue that would call a
      process that made a request to our scheduling package to submit a job
      to off-load the queue to a VSAM file for a daily process (and the
      structure of the data was that each detail line was a separate
      message and could consist of up to 5000 messages per entity

      when I started to look at this I made some suggestions, one was get
      the entity to a single message, which we have done

      now we took the wait out and no delays, but are in the process of
      removing the trigger and scheduling the off-load job to run a couple
      times a day, and as the first step of the daily process

      however, we have a second application, that requests thousands of
      jobs that do the same thing to DB2, and I was hoping to add a wait so
      I could cut the jobs to a handful, by keeping the off-load alive
      longer (none of this goes through CICS)

      but you mentioned orphans that increase in numbers making your
      process run slower and have a possibility of not meeting goals

      could you not write an audit trail when the request is made in CICS,
      so you could schedule a process that could determine if the orphan
      could be deleted

      for our SYSPlex, we use the coupling facility for Temp Storage and I
      run a task every 2 hours that (by queue) determines if it is still
      valid, and if not, I delete it, and some of the queues have up to a
      24 hour lag time

      you are absolutely correct about the level of understanding on my
      part, and I can relate to your situation, but even with the lack of
      knowledge, I removed 90% of the definitions in our MQ system, and we
      now are running without calls to the help desk

      I'll be the first one to admit that I don't know or understand MQ,
      but I will also tell you I have had alot of fun redoing this
      environment, eliminating errors, having programmers make changes and
      actually see the results they expected

      maybe we have too simplistic an environment now, but I can't seem to
      find the complexity people said we had

      so your insight into the real-time distributed process hits home and
      is one I will pass on to our Architects, who I hope take ownership of
      MQ here

      Dave Adam
      Supervalu Home Office
      Project Specialist
      (952) 828-4736

      If one of the engines on a two engine plane fails
      The other engine will always get you to the site of the crash

   Ronald Weinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Sent by: MQSeries List                         To:
                                                  Subject:        Re:
   07/18/2003 07:28 AM                    MQGMO-WAITINTERVAL
   Please respond to MQSeries List

      Does anyone understand the internal process?  Consider: (Assume
      and any other MQ and CICS settings are the same, and no indexing)
      Assume it takes up to 30 seconds for a remote application to process
      reply. In that time, 10 CICS transactions in 1 second intervals send
      requests and issue a GET-WAIT  with CORRELID for 40 seconds against
      same reply queue. After 10 seconds there would be 10  suspended CICS
      transactions waiting for a response.  Since we do not know what the
      requests were, or where they went, but only that they all come back
      to the
      same reply queue, we can not assume they will be processed in order.
      a 4 second period,replies are received, for the 10th transaction,
      and 3rd, in that order. MQ has to 'read' the queue and determine
      message belongs to which transaction, provide that transaction with
      message, and get it dispatched, or it has to determine which
      belongs to the message, have that transaction dispatched so it can
      the MQGET . Which of those 4 transactions will be 'given the reply
      If there are 600 previously 'orphaned' messages on the queue (that
      were not
      picked up because of previously expired waitintervals), does MQ have
      loop though these messages each time and somehow check them against
      requests, since it can not know that any of the older messages are
      orphaned, until it reaches the 'new' replies?   As the reply queue
      increases , that would take longer and longer.  What if one of the
      'current' replies arrives at 39.995 seconds. With a 40.000 sec
      waitinterval, the response came back in time, but could the
      timeout before MQ can process the reply message?  If there are
      messages on
      the reply queue that MQ hasn't  somehow 'processed' against waiting
      requests it can not ligitimately have those transactions that exceed
      waitinterval sent a 2033, or can it?

                           "Tim Armstrong"
                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                           OM>                      cc:
                           Sent by:                 Subject:  Re:
                           "MQSeries List"
                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                           07/17/2003 06:52
                           Please respond to
                           "MQSeries List"

      However this may well be the desired behaviour in that it saves the
      overhead involved in connecting to the queue manager and opening
      queues for
      each message that arrives. Also if you use trigger on first and close
      queue and disconnect while messages are still on the queue another
      message gets fired, its designed this way to handle the small
      interval in
      which a message can arrive between the time your get fails with
      more messages) and you issue the close for the queue. However it can
      cause a triggering loop and your application should check the backout
      of the messages it retrieves.

      Tim A

                           Dave Adam
                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                           RVALU.COM>               cc:
                           Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re:
                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                           18/07/2003 05:30
                           Please respond to
                           MQSeries List


      Dave Adam
      Supervalu Home Office
      Project Specialist
      (952) 828-4736

      If one of the engines on a two engine plane fails
      The other engine will always get you to the site of the crash

        "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)"
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      To:
        Sent by: MQSeries List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           cc:
                                                    Re: MQGMO-WAITINTERVAL
        07/17/2003 01:34 PM
        Please respond to MQSeries List

      "the batch job would get triggered on the message entering the queue,
      sit in the initiator for up to 30 seconds, in case another message
      along, and the trigger would be nonfunctional for that 30 seconds "
      >>>Correct, if the queue that is triggered is currently opened by an
      then no more trigger message will be generated for that queue.

      "I assume that the timer gets reset to 30 seconds on every message
      comes through, so the job could stay active all day if we get 1
      every 20 seconds"
      -----Original Message-----
      From: Dave Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 2:24 PM

      okay, I finally found this part in my book

       The WaitInterval field specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds)
      the MQGET call waits for a message to arrive on the queue when you
       use the MQGMO_WAIT option.  If no message arrives within the time
      specified in WaitInterval, the call completes and returns a reason
       showing that there was no message that matched your selection
      criteria on
      the queue.

      the sample program had 2 parts, but said the default was 5 minutes

      compute mqgmo-option = mqgmo-wait + ...

      and a move of 30000 to mqgmo-waitinterval

      I take it, that:

      the batch job would get triggered on the message entering the queue,
      sit in the initiator for up to 30 seconds, in case another message
      along, and the trigger would be nonfunctional for that 30 seconds

      I assume that the timer gets reset to 30 seconds on every message
      comes through, so the job could stay active all day if we get 1
      every 20 seconds

      Dave Adam
      Supervalu Home Office
      Project Specialist
      (952) 828-4736

      If one of the engines on a two engine plane fails
      The other engine will always get you to the site of the crash

        Stefan Sievert
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   To:
        Sent by: MQSeries List                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     cc:
                                                      Subject:        Re:
        07/17/2003 12:16 PM
        Please respond to MQSeries List

      here's what my book says:
      Wait interval.

      This is the approximate time, expressed in milliseconds, that the
      call waits for a suitable message to arrive. [...]
      On OS/390, the period of time that the  MQGET  call actually waits is
      affected by system loading and work-scheduling considerations, and
      can vary
      between the value specified for WaitInterval and approximately 250
      milliseconds greater than WaitInterval.

      So, your value of 30000 should lead to a 30 second wait on the MQGET.
      elapsed job time sounds like it confirms that.

      >From: Dave Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      >Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      >Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:05:04 -0500
      >what is the breakdown for MQGMO-WAITINTERVAL
      >does a value of 30000 equate to 30 seconds
      >book implies it is 5 minutes, but job runs for 35 seconds, with the
      >specified at PIC S9(09) BINARY VALUE 30000
      >Dave Adam
      >Supervalu Home Office
      >Project Specialist
      >(952) 828-4736
      >If one of the engines on a two engine plane fails
      >The other engine will always get you to the site of the crash

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