Title: MQSeries Problem on MVS 2.10

Hi List

Can someone explain what is happening?

We have 4 LPARS running, where one LPAR is the network driver and the remaining LPARS are for applications. There are SNA CTC's between the LPARS and we use APPC.

The Network LPAR has 3 MQSeries subsystems running that service the subsystems on the application LPARS. There is one Subsystem for each environment, PRODUCTION, QA, Development.

The application LPARS were upgraded to MVS/ESA 2.10 & MQ 5.2, about 4 weeks ago and communicated fine to the network LPAR.

Today we upgraded the Network LPAR to MVS/ESA 2.10 & MQ 5.2 from MVS/ESA 2.8 & MQ 2.1

The Production and Development Subsystems communicated perfectly BUT the QA environment come up with the following error message:

+CSQX500I -CSQQ CSQXRCTL Channel CSQQ.TO.CSQD started         
+CSQX213E -CSQQ CSQXRCTL Communications error, 726            
 channel CSQQ.TO.CSQD,                                        
 TRPTYPE=LU62 RC=00000014 reason=00000014                     
+CSQX599E -CSQQ CSQXRCTL Channel CSQQ.TO.CSQD ended abnormally

The CSQQ is on the network LPAR and CSQD is in one application LPAR. We moved the CSQD subsystem to another application LPAR and updated the LUADD to APPC in the application LPAR.

After all this things worked perfectly between CSQQ and CSQD.

Any ideas on this problem will be appreciated.


Bryan Baynes
Tel: (011) 322-5607

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