
Yesterday I encountered a strange problem which I hope soemone out there
might be able to help me with.

I am running MQSI v2.0.1 CSD 6. I had 3 execution groups - we decided to
remove the flows from 1 execution group and add them to another which worked
fine. Before deleting the redundant execution group I first deployed to
ensure that the message flows were active in the new execution group. I then
checked out the broker and deleted the now redundant execution group,
checked in the broker and deployed (delta). The deploy seemed to work, but
the execution group still appeared in the Operations Tab and the log
indicated an error concerning the fact that the the configuration manager is
unable to determine the status of the deleted execution group.

Subsequently I deployed again. The configuration of the remaining 2
execution groups and the broker deploys OK but for some reason it still
searches for the deleted execution group and returns the following in the
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 14:16:56 BIP4040I: The Execution Group
'MES' has processed a configuration message successfully.

A configuration message has been processed successfully. Any configuration
changes have been made and stored persistently.

No user action required.
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 14:16:56 BIP2066E: Broker MQ_CENTRAL_BK
(UUID 63a9290f-e600-0000-0080-8f8d393d2d9a) was unable to retrieve an
internal configuration response message for execution group 'MES' within the
300 second Configuration Timeout.

The execution group did not respond within the Configuration Timeout period.
A negative response is returned to the Configuration Manager for this
execution group. The Configuration Timeout is the maximum length of time
that an execution group is allowed to apply a deployed configuration change.
By default the Configuration Timeout period is 300 seconds. This value can
be altered by setting environment variable MQSI_TIMEOUT to the number of
seconds required. You should not use a value less than 300.

Investigate why the execution group was unable to respond before being timed
out. Use the system log messages to determine if there is a problem with the
execution group. You should check that your system is not running short of
resources, for example, you may need to increase the MQSeries log size.
Reducing the complexity of the deploy by reducing the number of execution
groups may also help to alleviate this problem. Correct the problem and
redeploy the broker's configuration from the Control Center. If there are no
other failure diagnostics then you should consider increasing the
Configuration Timeout, increase this value in units of 300 until this
message no longer occurs. For example export MQSI_TIMEOUT=600. Contact your
IBM support center if you are unable to resolve the problem.
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 14:16:57 BIP4040I: The Execution Group
'default' has processed a configuration message successfully.

A configuration message has been processed successfully. Any configuration
changes have been made and stored persistently.

No user action required.
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 14:16:57 BIP4040I: The Execution Group
'proteus' has processed a configuration message successfully.

A configuration message has been processed successfully. Any configuration
changes have been made and stored persistently.

No user action required.
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 14:22:36 BIP1536S: Configuration Manager
unable to register for internal subscriptions with broker MQ_CENTRAL_BK.

Although the preceding deploy operation was successful, a subsequent attempt
by the Configuration Manager to register for internal subscriptions with
broker MQ_CENTRAL_BK was not successful. This means that the Control Center
Operations view may not reliably show the correct status of the resources
assigned to broker MQ_CENTRAL_BK. The Configuration Manager also writes this
message to the system event log, accompanied by other messages giving
details of the problem.

Look at the messages for this problem in the system event log. Determine and
correct the cause of the problem before attempting to deploy to this broker
again. If this problem persists, contact your IBM support center.
*********************************************************************** This
message is generated at 2003-08-07 15:26:23 BIP2086I: Broker MQ_CENTRAL_BK
could only process parts of the internal configuration message.

Parts of the internal configuration message were not processed successfully.

This response indicates that one or more Execution Groups could not process
the internal configuration message. Analyse all of the following messages to
determine why the internal configuration message could not be processed.

In the Operations tab the deleted execution group ('MES') still shows all
the message flows that were removed previously, but indicates a "?" in the
status. However, the execution group does not appear in the Assignemnts of
the broker.

Any idea how I could get rid of this execution group??



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