The mainframe procs do NO have any reference
whatsoever to the old repositories. And I did
"un"cluster things first before I removed/deleted

Any other ideas, please???


--- "Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)"
> I would bet that the mainframe queue manager still
> has some automatic
> CLUSSNDRs leftover from when they were pointing to
> QM1 and QM2. just
> stopping / deleting / or modifying the manually
> defined ones does not do
> anything to the automatic ones.
> They will even continue to retry even now, hoping
> that the listener on QM!/@
> comes back.
> I know of no graceful way of eliminating Automatic
> CLUSSNDRs. :-(  My
> biggest pet peeve with clustering. The only way I
> know how to do it is to
> completely blow away the repositories in the cluster
> (partial and full).
> Maybe someone knows a better way???
> The one thing I have learned in the past couple of
> weeks with clustering is
> never ever just delete something. You always have to
> un cluster it first
> (queues, channels), and then delete.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ruzi R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 8:39 AM
> Subject: Urgent help: Unexpected behavior in the
> Cluster!!!
> Hi all,
> The QM1 and QM2  (on W2K, MQ 5.3) were full
> repositories for our cluster. I have just replaced
> them (full repositories) with  QMA and QMB--
> removing
> QM1 and QM2 from the cluster. I have done this
> following the instructions given in the MQ Cluster
> manual. I have done the clean-up of the obsolete
> channels etc. (e.g. TO.QM1 and TO.QM2). In other
> words, no cluster member has any CLUSSDR channel
> pointing to the old repositiories. The old
> repositories have their cluster channels deleted.
> Have done REFRESH CLUSTER REPOS(YES/NO) as per the
> instructions in the manual.
> As we don t need QM1 and MQ2 any longer, I  did
> endmqm
> on QM1 and QM2. Stopped the listener on both. Did
> some
> testing; everything seemd OK in the cluster.
> Then I had to move on to something else
> MQ2T (on OS/390  MQ 5.3) is a member in the cluster.
> I
> had modified the procs for MQ2T to pick up the new
> connames (for QMA and QMB). As part of testing, my
> colleague  stopped MQ2T and re-started. Apparently,
> on
> the re-start, the event logs on the old full
> repositories got flooded with messages indicating
> MQ2T
> was trying to connect to them (at least that is what
> he says.. I haven t seen the errors myself. He
> cleaned
> up the log and saved the data somewhere but I don t
> know where yet). Why would this happen as there is
> nothing in the start-up procc pointing to QM1 or
> MQ2?
> I have to find an answer to this as we have another
> cluster whose full repsoitories will have to be
> replaced today. He said that, as soon as he stopped
> the listener on these qmgrs the errors stopped. It
> just so happens that we don t need QM1 and QM2 any
> longer, so I will delete them. My question is,
> suppose that QM1 and QM2 were to stay as independent
> queue managers (not as a cluster member) with their
> listeners running obviously, how would I prevent
> their
> logs from getting filled with messages from cluster
> queue managers trying to connect?
> My thinking is,  because the new full repositories
> will keep the info related to the old repositories
> for
> 90 days   during which time, any member qmgr
> re-starting will cause this kind of error???
> I would very much appreciate your input on the above
> unexpected behavior the cluster.
> Thanks,
> Ruzi
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