This appears in the latest edition of Business 2.0: (its subscription, so
Ive included the entire article inline rather than a link):

The Coming Job Boom
Forget those grim unemployment numbers. Demographic forces are about to put
a squeeze on the labor supply that will make it feel like 1999 all over
By Paul Kaihla, September 2003 Issue

Judy Reed is a buyer in a buyer's market, and frankly, that has its
advantages. The vice president for human resources at Stratus Technologies,
a Maynard, Mass., maker of high-reliability servers, Reed never lacks for
attention at parties and dinners in this employment-starved economy. When
she does post a job, she gets four times the volume of responses she got
three years ago, and some job seekers even follow up with Christmas cards.
If she wanted to, she could fill every opening at a salary 15 percent below
the going rate -- as, in fact, many of her competitors do.

But that's one advantage Reed won't take. She recently hired an engineer
with more than 10 years' experience for nearly six figures -- the same wage
she paid at the height of the bubble. Reed isn't just being kind. She
asserts that any other course of action is asking for trouble down the road.
"The buyer's market we're in now is temporary," she warns. "Maybe it'll last
another year or two." And then? "Companies that haven't taken care to build
worker loyalty," she says, "will find themselves in the same predicament as
in 1999 and 2000."

At this particular moment in economic history, that is quite a statement.
Two million workers have been downsized or displaced since the recession of
2001. At 6.2 percent, the national unemployment rate is the highest it's
been in nine years, and the number of new jobless claims has sat above
400,000 for 20 weeks. To base hiring policy today on the prospect of a
return to the tight labor market of 1999 seems not just counterintuitive --
it defies the evidence of one's own eyes.

But Reed isn't alone. Executives at Cigna (CI), Intel (INTC), SAS, Sprint
(PCS), Whirlpool (WHR), WPP (WPPGY), and Adecco (the world's largest
placement firm) have told Business 2.0 that they, too, worry that the supply
of labor is about to fall seriously short of demand. Former treasury
secretary and current Harvard University president Larry Summers regards a
skilled labor shortage as all but inevitable. Economists like former Deputy
Secretary of Labor Edward Montgomery and Sigurd Nilsen, the director of
education, workforce, and income security in the General Accounting Office,
have issued warnings to the same effect. And in April the country's largest
and most influential industrial trade group, the National Association of
Manufacturers (NAM), added its voice to the chorus. The association released
a white paper based on research by labor economist Anthony Carnevale, former
chairman of President Clinton's National Commission for Employment Policy,
that forecast a "skilled worker gap" that will start to appear the year
after next and grow to 5.3 million workers by 2010 and 14 million 10 years
later. (Including unskilled workers, the gaps will be 7 million in 2010 and
21 million in 2020.) "By comparison, what employers experienced in 1999 and
2000 was a minor irritation," Carnevale says. "The shortage won't just be
about having to cut an extra shift. It will be about not being able to fill
the first and second shift too." This will occur, he adds, without any
heroic growth rates or bubblelike economic anomalies; all it will take is a
return to the economy's long-term growth rate of 3 to 3.5 percent a year.

The cause of the labor squeeze is as simple as it is inexorable: During this
decade and the next, the baby boom generation will retire. The largest
generation in American history now constitutes about 60 percent of what both
employers and economists call the prime-age workforce -- that is, workers
between the ages of 25 and 54. The cohorts that follow are just too small to
take the boomers' place. The shortage will be most acute among two key
groups: managers, who tend to be older and closer to retirement, and skilled
workers in high-demand, high-tech jobs.

To see the demographic time bomb in microcosm, just count the gray heads
around your own office. At Sprint, for example, half of the 6,000 field and
network technicians are over 50. At Cigna Systems, about a quarter of the
3,400 IT workers will pass 55 this decade. And at Cary, N.C., software maker
SAS, more than a quarter of the staff will be eligible to retire by this
decade's end. The company's VP for human resources, Jeff Chambers, says this
group is filled with veteran designers and engineers, many of them
architects of the company's most successful products. "It doesn't take a
rocket scientist to see what's going on," he says. "Existing staff are going
to start getting out soon, and the feeder pool just isn't coming up. If
you're responsible for the workforce, you'd better ask yourself what you are
going to do."

What employers will have to do, of course, is not difficult to predict: bid
up wages, raid competitors for employees, seduce older workers to stay on
the job, outsource whatever work they can, and lobby the government to jack
up the quota for skilled immigrants. What they will not be able to do -- at
least not for much longer -- is ignore the problem. "People think we're
going to have plentiful workers forever, but that's not so," explains David
Ellwood, a Harvard University professor who recently led an Aspen Institute
study of the problem. "If you want to hire somebody who has traditionally
been the bread and butter of the labor force, you're soon going to have to
hire them away from somebody else."

No sentient adult could have made it through the past decade without
developing a healthy distrust of forecasts like these. But the case for the
worker gap differs from the usual economic entrail reading in one crucial
regard: It's based on demographics, a far more certain discipline. When
Carnevale's model, for instance, shows that within seven years 30 million
people now in the workforce will be older than 55, that's not a guess. It is
virtually a certainty. "Any kind of demographic projection with respect to
people who have already been born is notoriously accurate," agrees former
Treasury Secretary Summers.

What the projections reveal is a passing of the workplace torch unlike any
other in U.S. history. Up to this point, each generation to enter the
workforce has been larger and better-educated than its predecessor. This
time, however, neither will be true. The number of workers in the prime-age
category -- the years when skilled, educated workers are at their peak
productivity -- will hardly budge during the next two decades, even assuming
that there will be about 1 million legal and illegal immigrants a year. At
the same time, the percentage of the prime-age labor force that has been to
college will flatline at about 60 percent. In fact, enrollments in the
crucial fields of engineering and computer science have actually been

Where the Jobs Are Going
Americans will find the hottest job growth this decade in Southern and
Western metro areas fed by expanding service industries and by a resurgence
in the tech and defense sectors.
Metro area Job growth,
Las Vegas 47.7%
Orlando 31.9%
West Palm Beach, FL 28.7%
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 25.7%
Riverside, CA 25.6%
Phoenix 25.3%
Jacksonville, FL 24.8%
Tampa, FL 24.4%
Raleigh-Durham, NC 24.0%
Sacramento, CA 23.7%
Austin 22.9%
Charlotte, NC 20.4%
Atlanta 19.8%
San Diego 19.2%
Washington 18.5%
Dallas 17.4%
Oakland, CA 17.3%
Miami 16.5%
Denver  16.5%
Orange County, CA 16.4%
Sources: Global Insight; Bureau of Labor Statistics

The result is an unprecedented mismatch between the workforce and the
demands of a growing high-tech economy. Projections by the Labor
Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that the seven
fastest-growing occupations this decade will all be in technology. Demand
for applications software engineers and tech support specialists, for
example, will double by 2010, according to the BLS. (See "The 10
Fastest-Growing Occupations.") Even the seventh-ranked category, database
administrators, is projected to grow by a stunning 66 percent. These
high-demand tech fields will be the first to feel the labor crunch. By 2005,
Carnevale says, "we'll start to see spot shortages all over the place." In
some fields, he predicts, employers will be reduced to filling desperate job
shortages with unqualified workers. By the following decade, when the bulk
of the baby boomers bid their cubicles goodbye, a broad swath of corporate
America will be scraping the bottom of the barrel for white-collar workers.

Every economic forecast has its critics, of course -- particularly one so at
odds with the prevailing mood about employment. The projections assume, for
instance, that the baby boomers will leave the workforce at roughly the same
age as their predecessors, but how do we know that they won't delay
retirement to make up for recent stock market losses and depressed 401(k)s?
The answer is that the trend toward early retirement is a deeply entrenched
pattern established during the past four decades, and neither bull nor bear
markets have made a dent in it. Even the Social Security Administration,
which would love nothing more than to make the case that the retirement age
will soon rise dramatically -- the better to prove its own solvency -- has
been unable to find any data to support that view.

Another loud objection is that the model expects far too much growth in the
battered tech sector. John Sargent, a senior policy analyst in the Commerce
Department's Office of Technology Policy, says he hears that all the time.
"A lot of people say, 'Are you freaking crazy? Haven't you seen what's
happened in the last year and a half?'" But Sargent, an authority on
economic measurement, defends the BLS numbers, calling them the "closest you
get to absolute objectivity." To assume that the sector's current weakness
is permanent makes no more sense than believing in 1999 that the gravy train
would never end. Several studies show that where the bureau has erred, it
has traditionally underestimated demand for tech.

The tech sector usually leads the economy during periods of employment
growth, and it's not clear what force would prevent it from doing so during
the next bounce. Some skeptics argue that the culprit might be technological
progress itself. They point out that a considerable amount of brainpower at
software companies is now aimed at automating business data centers and, in
effect, putting hordes of gainfully employed IT workers out on the street.
IBM (IBM) calls the effort "on-demand" or "utility" computing. Oracle
(ORCL), typically, calls it nothing but boasts that it has developed
software that could soon make database administrators as obsolete as

Not likely. Even if such breakthroughs ever made the leap from PowerPoint
presentation to reality -- and they haven't yet -- they probably wouldn't
shrink demand for tech overall. That's not how progress works. Whenever new
technology eliminates less sophisticated jobs, it tends to create
higher-level positions elsewhere. Cathleen Barton, U.S. education manager at
Intel, points out that in 21 years of steady improvements in equipment and
processes, Intel's workforce has only grown. "There's always the argument
that the more technology you put in, the fewer and less-skilled workers you
will need," she says. "But that's just not the case." In 1982, for example,
Intel had about 20,000 U.S. employees, and an entry-level plant operator
needed only a high-school education. That worker's skills would be obsolete
today, it's true. But in its current 49,000-person U.S. workforce, Intel
employs far more plant technicians than it did two decades ago. The
difference is that entry-level applicants now need at least a two-year
degree in applied science to handle the job.

If smarter software and increased automation won't derail a coming surge in
demand for skilled American workers, how about competition from cheaper
workers abroad? The double-digit growth in outsourcing of service jobs to
low-wage countries, particularly India, has spawned more than its share of
hand-wringing in the press and protectionist brimstone in state
legislatures. Much of the worry seems to have crystallized around an
estimate by technology research and consulting firm Forrester Research
(FORR) that India and other nations will import some 3.3 million U.S.
service jobs during the next 15 years.

For the most part, economists say, this is mere hysteria. India, China, the
Philippines, and other newly industrialized countries simply haven't enough
capacity to prevent the U.S. labor squeeze, especially in IT. India's IT
industry, after all, produces about $14 billion a year, a gnat on the hide
of the U.S. sector's $813 billion. Likewise, the subcontinent's 150,000 tech
workers represent less than 2 percent of America's domestic IT labor force,
barely enough to make a ripple in the looming job shortage.

And what of the 3.3 million jobs that Forrester predicts will move offshore
by the end of the next decade? Most experts in the field put little faith in
that number; they say there's not yet enough data to make any credible
projection. (Some, in fact, dismiss Forrester's study as little more than a
marketing brochure for Forrester's own offshore outsourcing consultancy.)
Martin Kenney, a professor at the University of California at Davis who has
just released a study on outsourcing in India, guesses that the true figure
will be only half that many and that most of those will fall into
lower-skilled categories like call centers. But even if Forrester's
prediction came true -- and even if each of the 3.3 million exported jobs
would otherwise have been filled by a U.S. manager or skilled worker -- that
still represents only a fraction of the shortage that Carnevale and other
economists foresee. In other words, the long-term tragedy of offshoring
isn't that it's snatching away skilled American jobs. It's that it can't
possibly snatch enough of them.

Elementary economics teaches that there can never be more jobs than
jobholders. A gap of 5.3 million workers in 2010 doesn't mean that there
will be millions of empty cubicles waiting for workers who will never show
up. Instead the labor market will "clear." Wages in the hottest professions
will rise high enough to induce workers to change careers, emigrate to
Silicon Valley, or retrain themselves in the desired skills (remember
"Internet or Bust"?). Companies will coddle workers to build loyalty
(remember free massages?), lure skilled retirees back from the golf course,
or redeploy other workers. Eventually the demand will be met.

For more information on the impending labor shortage check out these links:
A new study predicts a shortage of millions of workers starting in 2005. See
page 48.

One of the first employers to feel the pinch of the skilled-labor shortage
will be the federal government. See page 12.

The Department of Defense is struggling to cope with its own retirement time

The largest industrial trade association in the United States, whose
companies employ about a seventh of the nation's workforce, sounds the alarm
over a "worker gap."

A Harvard economist and the Aspen Institute show how the stagnating supply
of skilled workers threatens U.S. economic growth.
Anticipating the shortage, some companies have already put the process in
motion. For example, Gail Doughtie, a vice president at Cigna Systems, has
begun preparing for a shortage of database administrators by training other
Cigna IT workers for the job; on big projects she looks for chances to pair
veteran database administrators with junior IT workers in their 20s and 30s.

For her part, Judy Reed has refused to cut not only starting salaries but
also budgets for athletic teams, picnics, and parties. "If your social life
is at work, then it's harder to leave that work behind," she reasons. The
company also offers over 70 courses a year in technology, management
training, and skills like negotiating and writing. "Loyal workers refer
other loyal workers," she says.

SAS, meanwhile, has used the current downturn to staff up, hiring more than
800 new employees. "We've been using this downturn to buy loyalty with these
people, in the hope that we can ride them through the decade," Chambers
says. "If you lost your job at Dotcom Inc. but got hired at SAS and
prospered, you're probably not going to move when a competitor comes

Like Reed, Chambers predicts that tech companies will try to offset the
shortage of IT help by enticing boomers to work far beyond the standard
retirement age. He's been urging senior SAS management to adopt programs to
keep the more than 1,000 managers nearing retirement age from leaving. Among
his suggestions is one that's almost certain to become more widespread this
decade: flexible hours. "I know I'm not going to want to work every single
day when I'm 55," Chambers says, "but I'll still probably want to work.
We'll say, 'We'll pay you for an average of 100 hours a month, but if you
want to take off June to spend time with your new grandchild, that's OK.'"

As the labor shortage grows more acute during the next decade, the returns
on such tactics are likely to diminish. At the margin, there may simply be
no cost-effective way to coax one more warhorse out of retirement or equip
one more high school dropout for the rigors of a high-tech economy. In that
case, the labor market will still clear -- but it will do so not by
increasing supply, but by lowering demand. Projects will be abandoned,
growth opportunities will lie fallow, and economic output will settle at a
new, slower rate of growth.

Between now and then, though, there promises to be one ferociously tight
labor market. Hard as it may be to picture in the midst of today's
employment gloom, the coming squeeze could be as big a bonanza for skilled
workers as 1999 was -- and as big a headache for employers. The only
difference is, you can see this one coming. Whether you prepare for it or
let it catch you by surprise is up to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Beinert, William
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: PBS Show This Friday On Outsourcing

"In the midst of steep economic recession and skyrocketing unemployment"
"Steep" and "Skyrocketing"...?
If you want an objective perspective, look for it elsewhere...


-----Original Message-----
From: CICSdude MQtude [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: PBS Show This Friday On Outsourcing

PBS Show This Friday On Outsourcing

This Friday, August 29th, PBS will air an important 1 hour show on
outsourcing work to foreign countries

"In the midst of steep economic recession and skyrocketing unemployment
rates, more and more major American companies are cutting costs by
outsourcing work to foreign countries. Now, these exported jobs are taking
their toll on college-educated and skilled professional workforce. With
experts estimating that 3.3 million white-collar jobs will be sent overseas
by 2015, is America's middle class being hollowed out?

On Friday, August 29, 2003 at 9PM on PBS

NOW goes to India where the country's skilled and educated workforce is
answering customer and financial service calls and taking over technology
positions for some of America's biggest corporations while millions of
Americans search for jobs at home. "

Check the local listings at: .

and I get to do this for a living


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