Look in the samples file the would have been set up when they did the
install. There will be cobol and c samples that are identical to each other.
There are a couple of programs supplied tha tdo an MQSET. Just fo to 3.14
and search the library for MQSET.

If you cannot find it. You will have to code one yourself. It is not that
hard once you digest the section in the manual on the MQSET command.

If you have someone who has it installed on an NT machine you may be able to
take the C code example from there and modify it (if you know C) and compile
it on the OS390. If you have access to the OE side it is very simple.
Otherwise you have to wrestle with a bact C compiler. Not fun on 390.


From: Larry Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Altering queue characteristics
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:43:09 -0400

Good Morning to all,

Running MQ 2.1 on OS/390....

    Is there a program that I can execute in a batch job with control
that will change a queue
from PUT(DISABLED) TO PUT(ENABLED) while MQ is running?


Larry Murray
Putnam Investments
Tech Services

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