Hi all,

We are on WMQ Server 5.3 on W2K (Queue manager QM1),
and WMQ Client 5.2.1 on W2K.

We have a  user  (not a developer) running a Smalltalk
app on his machine(W2K) by by Client connecting to
QM1. He specifies MQMD.ReplyToQ as a temporary dynamic
queue (with a full name using the client machine id as
part of the name). The app had been working without
any problems for a long time (in the test env.).

The  user  now tells me that his computer crushed last
week when he was in the middle of using the app. The
 developer  tells me that the app was waiting on the
temp queue with MQGET - unlimited time-interval. Now,
the  user  CANNOT open the queue. Of course, behind
the scenes the OPEN creates the temp queue. The
developer cannot give me the reason code from Opening
the queue as he says his next release of code will
have the proper reason code check(yeah, I am surprised
too; I don t know why some developers won t listen!).
My guess is he is getting the reason code 2100.

What really bothers me at this point (apart from the
app not handling the reason codes properly) is the
fact that I CAN still see the temp queue in the
explorer as:

    Application= the user s app
    Userid= The user s Id,
    Process ID= amqrmppa.

How is this possible? My understanding of the temp dyn
queue is that if the client app terminates abnormally
without closing its temp queue the queue is logically
deleted; and that any action against that queue other
than closing it would result in a MQRC_Q_DELETED
reason code. It is only physically deleted by the last
app closing it.  But I WAS EVEN ABLE TO PUT a message
on it (the temp queue) in MQ Explorer. Ans it just sat
there as there was no program servicing it despite the
fact that OpenInputCount showed 1 (and the developer
says the app does a GET with unlimited waitInterval).
I cannot explain this behavior.

What is the process amqrmppa for? I did a search on it
on the Internet and found very limited info regarding
its use in iSeries. I had to kill this process in
order to get rid of this stubborn temp queue.

I think we should upgrade the MQ client to 5.3. I know
the developer has to do some work to do, but the above
mentioned behavior should not happen when using temp
dyn queues.

What might be happening? I would very much appreciate
any help/input.

Thanks very much in advance,


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