One of our application DLQs seems to have a message "stuck" on it. We ran
the product's Dead Letter Handler (CSQUDLQH), and after it processed a few
messages it appeared to loop. I tried to use Candle's PQEdit utility to
look at the contents of the queue, and it looped too. Then I ran a simple
browse program - a mainframe version of amqsbcg - and it looped too. All of
these things look like they are running normally, but none produce any
output at all. And the CURDEPTH of the queue doesn't seem to change.

So my conclusion is that either the queue, or the first message on the
queue, is corrupted. I've never seen this before, and I can't imaging that
a poorly formatted message, no matter how bad, could cause this. I could
try clearing the queue, but I'd rather not if I can help it. I'm stuck
(literally) as to how to proceed.

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