I wonder if anyone can help. We are in the middle of system testing a Publish/Subscribe solution using MA0C.
We have a publisher (Sun Solaris), a Broker (MA0C on NT) and a subscriber (Sun Solaris), all running MQ5.3 CSD 4.
Our publisher Java application was left running over the weekend as too was the subscriber. All channels were running prior to the weekend and were triggered.
On my return on Monday it transpires that the Channel Initiator failed on Sunday around 17:00. The CHIN task was configured to restart on failure, this did not work.
The broker issued the AMQ5819 error messages:
The publisher is durable and issuing persistent messages, however the channels have been configured as FAST (Problem 1?)
Does anyone have any insight or experienced problems with MA0C - Is there a definitive list of MA0C problems that people have encountered, and possible resolutions?

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