Title: RE: Websphere MQ Express ?

Hadn't seen it but 'heard' of it in the past.
As far as my 'sources' have told me this is not a technically crippled product, merely a pricing thing.

Notice the 'may' in the limitation section, where I would use 'can' when there is a real limitation.

There are some other interesting things in the announcement though:

> Fast installation and deployment
> - Quick and easy to install: gets you up and running in minutes
> - In production within hours, without specialist training

especially the no training part...

> Powerful development facilities

> WebSphere MQ Express simplifies your integration tasks by providing a functionally rich yet easy-to-use application 
> development interface that removes the data movement and storage logic from the application, allowing you to focus on the 

> business logic.

looking forward to it :-)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:44 PM
Subject: Websphere MQ Express ?

Has anyone seen this new product announcement ?  It appears to be plain MQ,
but for Windows or Linux.

Check this out:

Would anyone from IBM care to explain the differences between them ?

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