If someone was using the MQ ISPF interface, that could cause it to not come

-----Original Message-----
From: Ruzi R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: Why cannot stop the queue manager???

Hi all,

QM1 is on  OS/390 (MQ 5.3) is in a cluster.  I could
not stop the queue manager even with the FORCE option
last night. There are only 4 programs (one batch that
was not running at the time, and 3 scheduled CICS
ones) that send datagram messages from QM1 to QM2
(both in the same cluster). No messages are sent to
QM1 from any queue manager at all. I checked these
programs and they use fail_if_quiescing appropriately.
   The CHIN job came down but not the MSTR, which was
using 80% of the CPU after I had issued the STOP
command. Has anyone experienced this before? What
might have been holding up the queue manager?

Any ideas/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Best regards,


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