I got an interesting triggering dilemma. The short description of the
dilemma is that when a message arrives on a Solaris queue, I need to
trigger an OS/390 process. The longer description follows...

We've purchased Tivoli 8.2, which is allows us to run a unified scheduling
system between Unix and OS/390. It runs on OS/390 and lets us schedule jobs
on both platforms, manage dependencies between the platforms, etc. But
we've got some Solaris queues where we need to get a Solaris job "demanded
in" in order to process the messages. With Tivoli, the process of demanding
the job must run on the mainframe.

I was hoping to just define the mainframe's initq as a remote queue on
Solaris. I was thinking that I'd define the process with APPLTYPE(MVS) on
Unix, too. Then when a message hit the Solaris queue, a mainframe trigger
message would get written, and routed up to OS/390, where our trigger
monitor would process it and demand in the job. But as soon as I got going
on it I remembered condition 8 for triggering. That is, in order to
generate a trigger message the initq queue must be opened for input. And
that's impossible in this design.

How can I do it? I've dreamed up some complicated solutions, but I'd like
to keep it simple, if possible. Note that we do not own the client
connection feature on the mainframe, so that's not an option.

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