
The two generally are not considered to be direct alternatives.  SOAP is a
higher level protocol that makes objects and methods available over a
variety of transports including HTTP, email, WMQ, FTP, etc.  On the other
hand, WMQ is a transport protocol on which some higher level protocols such
as JMS and SOAP are built.  It's not usually a question of SOAP VS. WMQ but
rather a question of "do my SOAP messages need the reliability of an MQ
transport or can they go over HTTP?"  If you need to make object-oriented
services available or to consume them, use SOAP.  If you need assured
once-only delivery of discrete messages, use WMQ.  If you need both,
consider SOAP over a WMQ transport.

You may want to look at the SOAP Support Pac if you have not already:

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: Ton van der Starre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Soap versus MQseries

Hi all,

we are currently investigating the introduction of SOAP in our company,
application integration purposes and delevering services over the internet.
This because developers find it easy to use and it communicates over HTTP.

At the moment we are using Websphere MQseries to establish that.
I'm faces with the challenge to define company policies on when to use SOAP
and when to use MQ.
So I can use a lot of information on the subject.
Does anyone have ideas or is willing to share information with me.

Best regards,

Ton van der Starre
ADP The Netherlands

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