Title: Handle creep on Win2000 with WMQ V5.3

Hi all

We're having an issue with handles increasing on Windows 2000.  We are running WMQ V5.3
(with no fixpacs) and the handles for the amqmsrvn simply keep increasing. 
I've found the same issue for V5.2 that's fixed in CSD03.  I've included the text below.
Does anyone know whether this problem is fixed in any of the CSD's for V5.3 prior to CSD05,
because the detail for CSD05 says nothing about this kind of error?
APAR status Closed as program error.

Error description
Customer created a QMgr with default setting on MQ Explore.
There are no setting such as custom service.
After stopping the QMgr, start performance monitor and add
following counter:
   Object:   process
   Counter:  Handle count
   Instance: amqmsrvn
Watch the performance graph status for a while, then we can see
that memory usage of the process are increasing.
Local fix Problem summary
The problem has been fixed.
Problem conclusion
This problem has been fixed and the fix will be shipped in the
following PTFs:
    A) MQSeries for V5.2    CSD03
          Windows NT        U200148
          AIX               U478289
          HP-UX (V10)       U478290
          HP-UX (V11)       U478293
          Linux             U478292
          Sun Solaris       U478291
    B) MQSeries for V5.2.1  CSD01
          Windows NT/2000   U200151

Thanks very much.

Kind regards

Yvette Carroll
MQ Support Specialist
T&O division
Nedbank Limited South Africa
+27 (0) 11 881-3754
+27 (0) 83 644-0608

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