
This sounds like an old problem where duplicate messages for the same
channel exists in SYNCQ.  IBM provided a batch utility to run, which would
list duplicate entries for the same channel and, optionally, delete them.
I don't know if this problem still pertains to MQ V5.3 on z/OS.

                      Curt Dolny
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      MUTUAL.COM>                     cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries List          Subject: Sequence numbers out of 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      01/12/2004 02:04 PM
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Hi All,

The environment is z/OS 1.4 with MQSeries 5.3, HP-UX 11.0 with MQSeries
5.2 and AIX 5.1 with MQSeries 5.3.  Maintenance is current on the queue
managers, as far as I know.

I frequently see that the channels between the z/OS queue manager and
some of our HP-UX queue managers, and the channels between the z/OS
queue manager and some of our AIX queue managers, will end because the
message sequence numbers are out of sync.

On the z/OS side, I see the following messages in the CHIN started task:
   +CSQX526E MQT1 CSQXRCTL Message sequence error for channel
   MQT1.TO.POOFB, sent=1 expected=95
   +CSQX506E MQT1 CSQXRCTL Message receipt confirmation not received
   for channel MQT1.TO.POOFB
   +CSQX599E MQT1 CSQXRCTL Channel MQT1.TO.POOFB ended abnormally

On the HP-UX side, I see the following message in the current .LOG file
in /var/mqm/qmgrs/POOFB/errors:
   AMQ9526: Message sequence number error for channel 'MQT1.TO.POOFB'.
   The local and remote queue managers do not agree on the next message
   number.  A message with sequence number 1 has been sent when
   sequence number 95
   was expected.
   Determine the cause of the inconsistency.  It could be that the
   information has become damaged, or has been backed out to a previous
   If the situation cannot be resolved, the sequence number can be
   manually reset
   at the sending end of the channel using the RESET CHANNEL command.

I am not sure how to track down *why* this is happening.  Under the
Action part of the HP-UX message, it talks about synchronization
information.  Where/how do I investigate this?  Issuing the Reset
Channel command always resolves the problem when it happens.  Any
experiences that anyone can share or pointers to the appropriate
documentation will be greatly appreciated.


      Curt Dolny
      Northwestern Mutual
      Milwaukee, WI

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