Yes, shame on me -- I was too eager to show the shortest "Hello, World". I have not 
been doing any REXX for about 13 years. At least this one
say Hello World
is probably the shortest one for the users who don't care much about missing commas 
:-). I just wanted to capitalize on this nice manner of REXX to default the variables 
to the strings equal to their names. Such a nice idea for any interpreter but AFAIK 
only REXX got it! And the word 'say' seems to be the shortest reasonable verb for 
writing to stdout. I have been using it as a function name all the time while coding 
in other languagues since the old days.
Sorry for the off-topic.


                      Russell Finn
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      IBM.COM>                 cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: T-Rex distributed systems
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      02/04/2004 09:17
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Almost ,but not quite that simple:

say hello,world
  Oooops ! ... try again.     Unexpected ",", ")", or "]"

You could have had:

say hello world
say 'hello, world'


Russell Finn
MQSeries System Test

                           Pavel Tolkachev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                           Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
                                  To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                        Subject:        Re: T-Rex distributed systems
                           03/02/2004 13:22
                           Please respond to MQSeries List

And the shortest in the world "Hello, world" program. Just
say Hello, world

:-) Pavel

                     peter d
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     NE.NET>                  cc:
                     Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: T-Rex distributed systems
                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                     02/02/2004 10:29
                     Please respond to
                     MQSeries List

Rexx with PIPES ... was SO powerful !

We wrote connectors from Shadow Web,  Enterprise Web, and Domino Go to 
CICS/IMS/VSAM/DB2/etc with Rexx ... much faster than CGI, much more secure too.

/peter d.
     -----Original Message-----
     From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David C. Partridge
     Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 10:40 AM
     Subject: Re: T-Rex distributed systems

     Ah - fond memories.   Whenever I'm faced with Unix shell scripts, DOS bat files, 
or even (though to a much lesser degree) Perl scripts, I pine for Rexx - such power, 
ease of use and flexibility.



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