Title: Looking for your thoughts, please

Presently, one of our more active QMGRs is set up w/four primary and secondary logs each 1000 cyls. We then archive to tape. The size of the logs and the all over process is performing well. However, management has raised the issue of when we have to apply maintenance to our tape system we are required to quiesce MQ, for fear that the logs will fill, archiving (tape system down) wont work and well be in a fine mess. And during even non-peak times the logs switch often.

We could 1) go to DASD archiving, but it seems to me a lot of resource required in pool DASD plus it would still have to archive to tape in time (which I dont think would be long) anyway. 2) Switch to DASD archiving only during these maint. periods, but this requires a sort of baby sitting approach make the parm change, keep an eye on the archives filling up  kind of a drag. 3) Stay as we are (I like this one) just ensure that the tape maint. is done during our usual bi-weekly maint. window.

Your thoughts are appreciated since weve increased the number of and resized our logs the whole process has been problem free and very smooth.



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