Excellent.  Thank you.

                      "Wyatt, T. Rob"
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      MERICA.COM>                 cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries           Subject:  Re: amqrmppa ??
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      02/11/2004 01:36 PM
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Googled it and found this:


WebSphere MQ V5.3 Intercommunication
Chapter 1, "Concepts of intercommunication"
In the section "Distributed queuing components", subsection "Channel
initiators and listeners", add the following subsection:

New channel behavior in WebSphere MQ

By default, in WebSphere MQ 5.3, threaded channels started by the channel
initiator or a listener do not run under that process, but under a process
called AMQRMPPA, otherwise known as a pool process.

To revert to the MQSeries 5.2 behavior, and have channels run under the
originating process, define an environment variable MQNOREMPOOL. The
existence of this variable, set to any value, runs the channel threads as
part of the listener or channel initiator process. This can be useful when
trying to isolate one or more channels from the rest of the configuration,
for example when testing channel exits.

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: amqrmppa ??

Does anyone know what this program is for ?   it seems to be associated
with the MCA.

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