
> The version from 27-Jan-2004 was not an actual update,
> IBM is reorganising it's webcontent bit by bit and so
> the date changed and the url to the package, but not
> the package itself.

I don't know when the latest version came out, and what version you have, or
what IBM is doing with their web site, but I know that in the zip file I
downloaded the files had 1/27/2004 timestamps.  The contents of most files were
different from the one I previously had, (which were dated Aug 2003).
And the readme file just totally fooled me when it said:

| 05 Aug 2003                                                        |
| v5.3.1.a
| 27 Jan 2004                                                        |
|  v5.3.2                                                            |
|               a. Added -a and -x flags for specify parameters      |
|                  to mqconnx for client connections                 |
|               b. shipped client and server version of windows, aix,|
|                  solaris, linux executables                        |
|               c. cleaned up some code and makefiles to avoid       |
|                  compile time warnings. Restructured makefiles.    |

I thought for sure that I am looking at a new version.  And one other thing.
The zip file I downloaded on Jan 29 didn't have any windows executables, but
the one I got yesterday did.  According to the web site it was last updated on
2-2-2004.  Now I am totally confused.


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