
Check the disk quotas you have for the MQ directories you are using.  Ensure
the quotas are large enough.

Also check the sysgen parameters that are changed during the MQ install.  The
recommended values from IBM are not to be used as specified, but must be added
to already existing values, thus increasing these values by the amounts
required by MQ.

Also, check your paging device, make sure that one of these disks isn't full.

Dave A.

----- original message -----
> Date:         Thu, 25 Mar 2004 13:42:04 +0100
> Reply-To:     MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sender:       MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From:         "Lindberg, Gunilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      MQ down on OpenVms
> To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi!
> MQ on OpenVms crashed today wuth this FDC. Has anyone seen anything
> similar?
> Regards Gunilla
>  MQSeries First Failure Symptom Report
> |
> | =====================================
> |
> |
> |
> | Date/Time         :- Thursday March 25 12:14:17 MET 2004
> |
> | Host Name         :- KIEDI3 (Unknown)
> |
> | PIDS              :- 5697175
> |
> | LVLS              :- 510
> |
> | Product Long Name :- MQSeries for OpenVMS Alpha
> |
> | Vendor            :- IBM
> |
> | Probe Id          :- AD028000
> |
> | Application Name  :- MQM
> |
> | Component         :- adiOpenFile
> |
> | Build Date        :- Aug  4 2003
> |
> | Userid            :- [400,400] (MQADMIN)
> |
> | Program Name      :- AMQZLAA0.EXE
> |
> | Process           :- 000DDA34
> |
> | Thread            :- 00002098
> |
> | QueueManager      :- KIEDI3
> |
> | Major Errorcode   :- xecF_E_UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_RC
> |
> | Minor Errorcode   :- OK
> |
> | Probe Type        :- MSGAMQ6119
> |
> | Probe Severity    :- 2
> |
> | Probe Description :- AMQ6119: An internal MQSeries error has occurred
> (Rc=5 |
> |   from open)
> |
> | Comment1          :- Rc=5 from open
> |
> |
> |
> | Comment2          :- vaxc$errno=00000244
> |
> |
> |
> | VMS Errorcode     :- -SYSTEM-F-VASFULL, virtual address space is full
> |
> |   (00000244)

David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries Specialist
APC Consulting Services, Inc.
Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440

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