Hi everybody

As the most knowledgeable person at our company concerning MQSeries, I
get asked about MQ problems even when it concerns the remote systems
we communicate with via MQSeries. I am the expert so why don't I know
what is wrong with the remote system. blah blah blah

Anyway, we can load WebSphere MQ v5.3 on Windows 2003 and it works
fine. The installation on the remote systems, under control of another
company, did not go as well.

They cannot create queue managers from the GUI, MQ Explorer. They cannot
get the command server started via the GUI. Once the queue manager was
created via the command line, they could activate a listener via the GUI
no channels could start and would return a queue manager unavailable
error. Even if we start the command server via the command line, the GUI
still does not work. It seems if we do anything to the queue manager using
MQ Explorer it hoses the queue manager.

Dozens of FDC files were created each day they attempted to do anything
via the GUI. Internal MQSeries errors throughout the error logs when they
do anything via the GUI.

If they do everything with the command line everything seems to work. I
worry that the above indicates some fundamental problem that only is
being masked by doing things via the command line. I expect at some
point the fundamental problem to reassert itself even though we are
avoiding the GUI.

The only difference I can tell is their system is using CSD06 and our
system is using CSC04. Has anyone heard about possible problems
with CSD06.

I have asked them to call the problem into IBM but suspect they will not
be doing so anytime soon since things seem to be working.

Thanks for all the help.

            Jeff Tressler

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