
> Does this ensure that files in use get overwritten?  If not, it sounds like
> it could cause problems.

This option is documented in the memo.ptf that comes with the CSD.  Do you
think IBM would tell you to do this if it wasn't safe?

Yes, you can replace in-use files, but you have to reboot your system to do
that.  Just think what happens when you install a Windows ServicePack.
Basically you are replacing your whole OS: the system dlls, drivers, and even
the kernel itself.  And you are doing this while your system is running!

The reason the CSD install fails is because it simply wants to avoid the

I used listdlls and process explorer in the past and they are very useful, but
if your environment can tolerate a few minutes outage while you reboot your
server then don't waste your time trying to track down locked dlls.  (Of course
you should always stop your queue manager and all amq* and runmq* processes :-)

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