Title: Message
thanks Guido for the input. We managed to start the channel initiator from the master console which started giving out security errors, combined with you input all is now running
-----Original Message-----
From: Rechsteiner, Guido [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26 April, 2004 09:05
Subject: Re: Security problem on new qmgr

Hi Nadi
I expect, security switch(es...) have been defined but no access profiles...
Try this one first:
Define in the class MQADMIN the profile xxxx.NO.SUBSYS.SECURITY where xxxx is the subsystem name. After refreshing the profile, recycle the queue manager. This should turn off any security check. I expect, everything will then work, as this way, no security check should happen.
Afterwards, switch on security to fit your needs. Eg, if you dont need connection to be checked, define in MADMIN xxxx.NO.CONNECT.CHECKS. For all type of resources without a '.NO.' profile, security will be checked and you have to define corrsponding rules, eg. 'RDEFINE MQCMDS xxxx.CLEAR.QLOCAL UACC(NONE)' and 'PERMIT xxxx.CLEAR.QLOCAL CLASS(MQCMDS) ACCESS(ALTER) ID(group_which_is_allowed_to_do_so)'. Dont forget to delete the xxxx.NO.SUBSYS.SECURITY... ;-)
Check your system setup guid, chapter 'using RACF classes and profile', hope, it's also useful with top secret...
-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Khan, Nadi N
Sent: Montag, 26. April 2004 08:34
Subject: Security problem on new qmgr

Hi All,
I have created a new qmanager on Z/os. My starter task for the qmamager starts up ok.
When I try and execute any command I get a security problem. Our security people have checked and said that there is nothing that they can do and that I should talk to IBM. The security people have put everything in warn mode and say that I should be running.The security guys say as they dont see anything in their logs the problem is in mq.We use top secret a CA product for security.

When I do a command from the command line using the mq cpf I get the following response from MQ
when I try and access the mq panels I get                                                                              

CSQO013I Not authorized to use queue manager.               
also get this response from one of the other panels
MQM Queue Browse - Entry Pan 0002 2035 MQCONN
when the channel initaiator tries to start up it abends and gives me the following messages
+CSQX007E +MQ35 CSQXADPI Unable to connect to queue manager MQ35, MQCC=2 MQRC=2035
I would appreciate any help as I am now holding up everything and we would have to backout because of mq.


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