So MQClientA, B and C would have PrivateKey1 (the MQClient Private Key) and
PublicKeyA (the MQQueuemanager Public Key).

QueueManager1, 2, ..., 99 would have PrivateKeyA (the MQQueueManagerKey
Private Key) and PublicKey1 (the MQClient Public Key).

Assume that MQClientA, B and C will be the only machines ever to have
PrivateKey1, as I will hand deliver them and be in total control. And assume
PrivateKeyA will only ever be on the QMs I personally install it on. All
machines in question are internal behind the firewall.

If the above is true:
1.) Self signed certificates will be adequate.

2.) MQClientX, not having BOTH PublicKeyA AND PrivateKey1 will not be able
to connect to any of these QMs over a SVRCONN channel with SSL turned on.
That even if they somehow managed to get PublicKeyA OR PrivateKey1 (but not
both), they would not be able to connect over a SVRCONN channel with SSL
turned on (and SSLClientAuth set to REQUIRED).

3.)To create self signed certs myself, to be my own CA, I have one of 3
methods: openssl, makecert and gsk6cmd. Which is the best, and why? openssl
seems to have a lot of fans based on what I have trolled from the web, but
there's better/more documentation on how to turn bat guano to gold than on
how to use openssl. Same goes for makecert. I ordered the O'Reilly book on
openssl today, hopefully the fact that it is 2 years old wont matter.

Geez, this SSL stuff has put me in my place.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pavel Tolkachev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: SSL, MQClients and Symmetric keys

Hello Peter,

Even if you are only interested in securing SVRCONN channels, you will still
need a secret on every server (a server is always authenticated in SSL). For
clients -- yes, you can use the same private key if distributing it is not a
problem in your setup. But remember that both client and server must have
public and private keys for recovering secrets during SSL handshake. By the
way, I am not sure it is safe to have same keys on both server and client.
In this degenerate case RSA key exchange may become vulnerable for some type
of attack (not that I knew exactly which, but I would do some googling
before using it).

Again, PKI with CAs and whatever is written in the books is a pretty
convenient thing, specially intended to solve key distribution problem. From
my experience, except for one concept there (certificate expiration date) it
does not introduce more troubles than it solves.

IBM's gsk6cmd tool is kind of slow though. I would recommend using openssl
wherever possible and then only import results into CMS databases with

BTW, does anyone know any other (preferably free :-)) tool than gsk6cmd
(iKeycmd) for working with those CMS databases?

Hope this will help,

                      "Potkay, Peter M
                      (PLC, IT)"                 To:
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
                      RTFORD.COM>                Subject:  Re: SSL,
MQClients and Symmetric keys
                      Sent by: MQSeries
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      06/02/2004 03:55 PM
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Neil, if I make a self-signed certificate, I assume I will get a
Private/Public key pair included, correct?

And if so, could I not put the public key half on all my QMs, and keep the
private key on my desktop. Then configure the SVRCONN channel to use SSL.
Then give the private key to my teammates. So all 6 of us are running the
same private key, all QMs (current and future) have the same public key, and
the only MQClients that can use this SVRCONN channel will be ones that have
this particular private key?

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: SSL, MQClients and Symmetric keys

Hi Peter,

I've been busy with SSL for the last few weeks as well, and this is my take
on your issue.

1. SSL does use symetric keys for encryption. It generates them at session
startup, and exchanges them, protected by encryption with the
private/public key pair. This gets around the symetric key delivery
2. While self signed certs could be used in your environment, they would be
very painful. Every cert needs to be installed in every key store,
especially if you want to use sslcauth(required).
3. This is where a CA helps. You generate your certificate signing requests
on each host, and get the CA to sign the request. The certificate is then
received into the key store for its queue manager (or client) and the
public key of the CA is added as a trusted CA cert. The queue managers will
then trust any cert signed by this CA where the DN matches the SSLPEER
4. You don't need to go out to an external CA like Thawte or Verisign and
pay for certs. You can set up a private CA, which can be as simple as
installing the OpenSSL (or is it OpenSSH?) package on a linux machine
(don't install a network card). Then you can use the commands directly, or
set up some scripts to make the syntax easier.
5. If you do it this way, then each key repository only needs to have the
personal cert belonging to the queue manager or client, and the CA cert for
the signer. You can add new queue managers and clients without having to
touch any of the existing key repositories. If you used self signed certs,
you would need to cross copy the new cert into every other key repository.
6. Be careful about the default CA certs which are installed into the
repository when you create it. I always delete all of these CA certs
because I don't plan to use certs signed by them. I can always add them
back if I need to later.

In your note, you say you want to use the same cert or key on all of your
clients/servers. If you build an internal CA, put that into your repository
and use it to sign all the certs, then that is in effect what you get. Only
the CA cert is in the repository, but you get the trust you want, and you
don't have to cross register all the different self-signed certificates.

In theory, I think you could also generate one private/public key pair
(self signed certificate) and export it. Then import it into the other
queue managers/clients with different labels in each location. This would
not be a nice thing to do, and really wouldn't help your security much. It
means that you have to move your private keys around, and they are stored
in multiple places, which is not goodness. Going with an internal signer
works very nicely.

When you get to using SSL with 3rd parties, you will need to explore
external CAs, because both you and the other party need to have
certificates signed by someone that you both trust. This will present a
problem, as any queue manager can only present one certificate. It can't
present different certificates to different channel partners. This means
that when you have queue managers with certs signed by an external CA, you
will need to have that CAs signer cert in the key repository of your local
admin clients.


Neil Casey
National Australia Bank
Southern Star Technology
WebSphere MQ Support
1/122 Lewis Rd Wantirna South
office. +61 3 9886 2375 (x82375)
mobile. +61 414 615 334

|         |           "Potkay, Peter M   |
|         |           (PLC, IT)"         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           RTFORD.COM>        |
|         |           Sent by: MQSeries  |
|         |           List               |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |                              |
|         |                              |
|         |           02/06/2004 06:29   |
|         |           Please respond to  |
|         |           MQSeries List      |

  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  SSL, MQClients and Symmetric keys


As my first attempt at SSL, I want to implement SSL on MO71, so that only
6 teammates and myself can connect to all our QMs over the dedicated
channel I have set up for MO71. So basically I want to implement SSL for a
client application that might connect to any one of a 100 QMs (Windows /
Solaris / HP-UX / z/OS), and only 6 Windows desktops will ever run this
client app.

I need your opinions if this design is valid. Having read a ton of stuff on
SSL over the past 2 weeks, and getting an SSL tutorial completed where I
have 2 QMs running with SSL on the channels between them, I am still
near comfortable with this SSL stuff. (Was it Albert Einstein that said "If
you can't explain something so your grandmother understands it, YOU don't
understand it."  Right now, Grams has no clue what I'm babbling about!)

The biggest problem for me is the whole concept of getting certificates.
Since the certificates for the QMs and the clients will be personally
installed by me on all machines, and all the machines are internal, I don't
really need to go to a CA to get certificates do I? A self signed
certificate will work just fine, no? And taking it a step further, couldn't
I just avoid certificates completely and just use a symmetric key? How do I
get a symmetric key? Seems the only certificates I see (self signed or not)
are for Public / Private key pairs. I am thinking "Wouldn't it be easy to
create a symmetric key called XYZ, install XYZ on all the servers and the 6
desktops, and tell the QM or the client to use that symmetric key?" Or do I
have to create a certificate, assign it to the QM, and give the public part
of it to the clients (our desktops running MO71)?

I want a solution where I can use the same key (or certificate) on all my
QMs and MQ clients connecting to those QMs. And as I add more QMs in the
future, I can just add this same key (or certificate) to them.

I'll tackle SSL with outside un-trusted parties after I get this down (and
the need arises.)

Peter Potkay
MQSeries Specialist
The Hartford Financial Services
IBM MQSeries Certified

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