We are planning our maintenance setup for JMS/HFS environment for the Java &
Internet Gateway components used in conjunction with WMQ.  We would like to
use two SMPE target zones to phase in changes however HFS seems to only have
one path name assigned to DDDEF to support JMS software.  We are thinking
the products that use JMS WMQ component will only be able to see one path
name within USS.

One thought was to have a different VSAM linear data set with the same
internal path names for the application of maintenance.  We would copy the
target VSAM linear data sets representing the HFS file systems/paths to a
backup data set before applying maintenance.

Another thought was to use two different VSAM linear data sets to house the
HFS with different internal path names that are both mounted.  Then we flip
flop between the files to apply and implement new maintenance.  Under this
method the applications are pointing to one live set of data sets while
maintenance is applied to the alternate set.  This would require the
products to point to different paths.  Not sure if this is possible.

Can someone please share their experience in how they have their environment
setup in SMPE and how you address the application of ongoing
maintenance/fixes?  How do you propagate maint/fixes from test to

    Frank & Bob Ofeldt

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