It should be done via MQ Services. If you don't have MQ Services, then the only thing I know is to edit the registry (but I have never done that before on Window MQ).  There should be a key call 'DefaultQueueManager" under hkey_local_machine\software\ibm\MQSeries\Configureation....If you haven't set that up, probably it's not there.
You can either create such key or to make it simple, just create another qmgr with "crtmqm -q" to make it as default.  Then change the registry to source.queue.manager to aviod typo of the key name.
Once you have done this, you should be able to start "runmqsc -w 30 target.queue.manager".  Of course, it may follow up with security problem when you type command in.
-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Shantanu Upadhyaya
Sent: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: remote admin of queue managers not working / not using MMC ro explorer.......

Nope. How do I do that. Which pdf / page ? Here I go do some more searching..........

Sent by:        MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Our Ref:   Your Ref:  

Subject:         Re: remote admin of queue managers not working / not using MMC ro explorer.......  

Have you set your local queue manager as default queue manager?
-----Original Message-----
MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Shantanu Upadhyaya
Wednesday, 9 June 2004 3:50 PM
remote admin of queue managers not working / not using MMC ro explorer.......

Hi !

Thanks for the listserver, I have found out ways to connect to a remote queue manager if you don't have MMC / MW Explorer. But these don't seem to work.

Ways are :

1. Websphere MQ support pac
...has a simple GUI...not tried yet

2. MQ Web administration
: need a support pack / installation for this

3. MQJExplorer (

       This needs the following to be done on the remote queue manager

       (a) A channel definition for a SVRCONN channel called SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN  
                     eg define channel(SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN) chltype(SVRCONN) mcauser('mqm')          
               (b) strmqcsv <queueManagerName>

        Not working. I suspect that the problem is the mqm group. I think my user id  should be a member of that group. But I don't rights to do that on my NT !

4. Page 87 admin guide : 'Administering Remote MQSeries Objects'

  I did all the steps mentioned here. I changed the order or steps as per remote queue definition example on another pdf.

  Local QMGR : source.queue.manager
  Remote QMGR : target.queue.manager
  local machine

   (1) runmqslr -m source.queue.manager -t TCP -p 6002
  (2) define qlocal(target.queue.manager) usage(XMITQ)

  (3) define channel( CHLTYPE(SDR) conname('<Remote IP here(6001)>')
      XMITQ(target.queue.manager) TRPTYPE(TCP)

  (4) define channel( CHLTYPE(RCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP)

  Now...on the remote machine, lemme...just run a few cubicles away !

  (5) runmqlsr -m target.queue.manager -t TCP -p 6001

  (6) define qlocal(source.queue.manager) usage(XMITQ)

  (7) define channel( CHLTYPE(SDR) CONNAME('<my machine ip(6002)>')

      XMITQ(source.queue.manager) TRPTYPE(TCP)

  (8) define channel( CHLTYPE(RCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP)
  (9) strmqcsv target.queue.manager

  local machine

  (10) runmqchl -c -m source.queue.manager

  remote machine

  (11) runmqchl -c -m target.queue.manager

  Now as per the pdf, I run the following command on my machine  :
  runmqsc -w 30 target.queue.manager  and get this message :

       5724-B41 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2002.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

       Starting MQSC for queue manager target.queue.manager.

       AMQ8146: WebSphere MQ queue manager not available.

       No MQSC commands read.

       0 command responses received.  
Someone please explain what I could be doing wrong. Why does a simple task in MQ Series take a lot of time ?

Muchos gracias !

Dark Warrior

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