Questions on the role of the BSDS and logs on z/OS with persistent messages:
Initial state: WMQ for Z/OS V5.3. Qmanager remains running 24x7 for 2 week periods, then is down for MVS maintenance for 8 hours, then back up 24x7 for 2 weeks.
Case:  A persistent message arrives on a queue immediately after WMQ is brought back up. An active log entry is made(?). The message  is not removed from the queue, so after 2 weeks, WMQ is recycled, the message is dumped onto a pageset, and is back  'on the queue'  when the Qmanager is brought back.

In the initial 2 week period, all sorts of things were going on, so logs were written, new WMQ objects defined, logs were archived, backups taken, etc.
When the persistent message first arrived on the queue I assume a log entry was made.  Over the 2 week time period many other log entries were made, so there are many archived logs, The  active logs  are reused after the automatic archiving.

Questions: 1) What happens to the initial log entry for the persistent message? Does it get archived or copied to a location in an active log during the archive process? If  it is archived, when the Qmgr was recycled does  it have to dig through all the archived  logs to find the entry for that one message?
2) What role does the BSDS play?
3) When the message is eventually removed, does the original log entry have to be 'cancelled'?

The concern is, obviously, is the process cost of recovery of messages that, contrary to the Ten Commandments, are 'stored' on queues.

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