We have two apps (both are VBScript, asp, Active X) running on the same
Win2000 server running MQ Client V5.3.  We are currently performing some
automatic fail-over tests where an app will connect to a primary queue
manager, but if this queue manager is down, a connection will be
automatically made to a secondary queue manager.  So we are no longer
specifying a 'hard-coded' queue manager name in the app and a new channel
table accomodates for the blank queue manager name in order to get to the
primary and secondary queue manager.  We have implemented this MQ
Clustering/automatic fail-over strategy on other applications already, but
this is the first time we are dealing with two applications running on the
same server that need to get to two distinct pairs of queue managers
(internal vs. DMZ).

So here is my question... Can two or more applications running on the same
MQ Client machine use a unique channel table?  In other words, can the first
app use the default channel table amqchchl.tab and the second app use
another channel table like amqchchl2.tab?

It appears that a second channel table can be used by an application by
setting environment variables via a command script file (.cmd).  This is
from the MQ Clients manual...

WebSphere MQ uses default values for those variables that you have not set.
Using environment variables, you can update your system profile to make a
permanent change, issue the command from the command line to make a change
for this session only, or, if you want one or more variables to have a
particular value dependent on the application that is running, add commands
to a command script file used by the application.

This seems to infer that the second application could invoke a script to set
the environment variables...

SET MQCHLLIB=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ
SET MQCHLTAB=amqchchl2.tab

My concern is this will just override the default channel table value of
amqchchl.tab and the first application will end up using amqchchl2.tab also.

More specific questions...

Has anyone implemented this?
Do both applications need to set MQCHLTAB?
How do you call the .cmd file?
Or is this the wrong approach?


Glenn Kowalski
United Stationers

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