Good point.  I was thinking it was a clustering open option problem but that
makes perfect sense.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Quoting "Wyatt, T. Rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dave,
> If I read you right, you are trying to open a queue on pay_gw_qm from
> ofac_qm for input, right?  Even in a clustering environment, the queue you
> are trying to open MUST be local on the QMgr to which you are connected.  In
> this case, only processes connected to pay_gw_qm (either locally or via
> client) could open the specified queue.
> -- T.Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Awerbuch, David (CALYON)
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 2:26 PM
> Subject: mmx can't open cluster queue - 2085
> Hello all,
> I've have a situation I can not figure out, I thought someone might be able
> to throw some light on it for me.  I am setting up a proof of concept where
> I have a MQ cluster for each business unit, all queue for that cluster
> defined on a gateway QM, and the gateways talking to each other.
> I am using the MMX application from Roger's website to
> try to read a message from a queue and write it back to another queue.
> The mmx.ini file contains:
> SequenceNumberFlag = N
> TimeOut = 99999
> LogFile = gps_ofac_mmx.log
> PerformLogging = Y
> GetBufferSize = 102400
> QMgrName = ofac_qm
> InputQName = gps.ofac
> OutputQCount = 1
> OutputQName01 = ofac.gps
> Both the InputQ and OutputQ are defined on the Depository QM (pay_gw_qm) as
> local queues, shared in the cluster.  Using MQExplorer, I see both queues in
> ofac_qm's Queue list.  Yet, mmx is getting a 2085 when trying to open the
> queue:
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00700:
> ********************************************
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00704: MMX is now starting.
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00714: Program Eyecatcher is MMX   01.00.00
> Mar  5 2002 21:43:39 mmx.c
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00717: Current Log file is gps_ofac_mmx.log
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00720: PerformLogging=Y
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#00988: The following are the parameters
> used for this execution.
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01006:    Queue Manager Name: ofac_qm
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01024:    Input Queue Name  : gps.ofac
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01034:    Output Queue Count: 1
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01057:    Output Queue #01  : ofac.gps
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01070:    TimeOut value     : 99999
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01080:    Get Bufffer Size  : 102400
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01504: MQConn CC=0 RC=0 on connection to
> ofac_qm
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 ERROR   Line#01696: MQOpen CC=2 RC=2085 for gps.ofac
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01589: MQDisc  CC=0 RC=0 on disconnecting
> from ofac_qm
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01126: Statistics of this executions:
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01136:    Messages Read     : 0
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01146:    Messages Written  : 0
> 2004/06/24 13:55:03 INFO    Line#01152: MMX is now stopping.
> I don't understand why mmx can't open the queue for input.  Can anyone offer
> some thoughts here?  According to WMQ Messages manual:
> ==================================
> An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued, but the object identified by the
> ObjectName and ObjectQMgrName fields in the object descriptor MQOD cannot be
> found. One of the following applies:
> *       The ObjectQMgrName field is one of the following:
> *       Blank
> *       The name of the local queue manager
> *       The name of a local definition of a remote queue (a queue-manager
> alias) in which the RemoteQMgrName attribute is the name of the local queue
> manager
>                 but no object with the specified ObjectName and ObjectType
> exists on the local queue manager.
> *       The object being opened is a cluster queue that is hosted on a
> remote queue manager, but the local queue manager does not have a defined
> route to the remote queue manager.
> *       The object being opened is a queue definition that has
> QSGDISP(GROUP). Such definitions cannot be used with the MQOPEN and MQPUT1
> calls.
> Corrective action: Specify a valid object name. Ensure that the name is
> padded to the right with blanks if necessary. If this is correct, check the
> queue definitions.
> ==================================
> The ObjectQMgrName field is being filled in the local queue manager name.  I
> know this because I modified MMX.C to not fill in the qmgr name, and print a
> console message telling me it was not filled in; that message was displayed,
> yet the MQOPEN still failed with 2085.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Dave A.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> David Awerbuch, Consultant
> Websphere Applications Specialist
> Calyon Securities (CSI)
> MetroPark, NJ:   (732) 590-7452
> 1301 6th Ave, NY:  (212) 261-7247
> *** Calyon ****************************************************
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