
There are others who do run the trigger monitor under a userid other than
root.  I have an old posting that discusses this (see below).  As for your
1. Ask IBM.  It's their product and they would know what the original
thought was behind using mqm.
2. See posting below (and others on the list will probably have other ideas
as well).

cc:    (bcc: Richard Tsujimoto/CHASE)
From: Brian Shelden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02/05/98 02:44:51 PM GMT
Subject:    Re: Unix Trigger Monitor

>On Unix, triggered processes run under the same ID that the trigger
monitor is
>started with. This will be a problem at our shop, particularly with
>that will connect to Oracle (just about all of them). Our DBAs will insist
>some way to differentiate Oracle threads.
>So... I'm thinking about changing the sample trigger monitor source
>(amqstrg0.c). I thought I could place the ID to be used in the envrdata
>attribute of the process definition. Then, instead of the monitor starting
>command by using system(<applicid>), I would use:
>            system(su - <envrdata> "-c <applicid>")
>This ought to work as long as the monitor is started as root.

I don't know about the envrdata issue.  However, you might want to
rethink running the trigger monitor as root.  If all you're trying
to do is get a program to run as a particular user, why not set the
application to run setuid?

a) it's really easy  (chmod u+s <applicid>)  b) you don't need to
change the trigger monitor nor your application, and c) running the
trigger monitor as root exposes some serious security holes in
your system.

There are other ways to do this, too.  But in it general, it's a
bad idea to run anything as root that doesn't need it--especially
a program whose job it is to run other programs.

--Brian T. Shelden            Certified MQSeries Specialist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      IBM Global Services
(914) 759-2348 (T/L 248)          Sterling Forest, NY 10979

             "Smith, Gregory"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             ONEER.COM>                                                 To
             Sent by: MQSeries         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             List                                                       cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             n.AC.AT>                                              Subject
                                       Trigger Monitors

             07/09/2004 02:47

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm posting this here for discussion and will likely open a PMR with IBM to
get their perspective.

In the UNIX realm for a while we have discussed the fact we are not
comfortable triggering an application and having it run as mqm with full
mqm privileges.  We would prefer and are considering having multiple
trigger monitors each running under a unique application group id.

Naturally out of the box the trigger monitors attributes are set to force
the monitor to run as mqm as the example below shows:

        lx03-cluster:#> ls -al /opt/mqm/bin/run*
        -r-sr-s---    1 mqm      mqm         18328 Feb 11 16:09

#1 - Is anyone aware of a technical reason for this?

We are considering two approaches to this

a) Placing a copy of the executable in each application groups home
directory.  The down side to this is we could have many versions that we as
admins would have to keep track of whenever we apply maintenance to the

b) Modifying the attributes of the source

        -r-xr-x---    1 mqm      mqapp         18328 Feb 11 16:09

        but again we would need to keep note of this whenever we apply
maintenance to the software however this would be the lesser of the two

c) are there other options??

Thanks for your input in advance!

Gregory P. Smith
Pioneer, A DuPont Company
Phone: 515-253-2468

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