
You should have the programmer give you explicit proof.  For example, have
them use a debugger, such as Intertest, and look at the message just prior
to the put, and examine the reply to see where things break down.  I
realize that it may not be possible to use a debugger in production, but
hopefully the problem can be reproduced in test.

             Jim Ford
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             M>                                                         To
             Sent by: MQSeries         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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             n.AC.AT>                                              Subject
                                       Debugging Help on OS/390 Needed

             07/14/2004 07:15

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

One of our less savvy application teams has put together a big, clumsy app
that is having problems. It's big and clumsy enough that they are having
problems describing it to me. As near as I can tell, they have an
MQ-enabled CICS transaction. This transaction does an EXEC CICS LINK to a
few subprograms. Those programs in turn LINK to more programs. Or some of
them may do one or more synchronous MQ round trips to get information. They
say it is about 5 "layers" deep.

Problems have surfaced lately where their app is slowing down and/or
failing. In some cases info is returned from a different loan than the end
user is working on. To try to fix it, they changed a bunch of their
get-with-waits to wait longer. Things still fail, but now take longer to
fail. So there's obviously some problem in their code, probably where they
are losing replies somehow. They, of course, feel they've proven it's an MQ
problem, and have dumped it on me.

These are all synchronous processes, with non-persistent messages and many
dynamic reply queues. It's really difficult to capture any relevant
information. Even our CICS monitor isn't much help, because some of these
CICS transactions stay up all day and process hundreds of messages.

Any tips on how to get my hands on something I can use to debug this?

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