Title: MQIPT Trace Question

We are running MQIPT 1.31 (WebSphere internet pass-thru )on a W2k box between two other servers and in the iptmain.trc file of MQIPT I see this message:

Time:       13:45:22.160  2004.07.19
Class:      com.ibm.mq.ipt.ConnectionLogger
Method:     logConnection
Thread ID:  ConnThd for Route 1443-2
Logger:     Main Trace
  Command                                           PING   1443-2    

--->  com.ibm.mq.ipt.ConnectionLogger.moveFilesIfNecessary  (ConnThd for Route 1443-2)  13:45:22.175

My question is about the moveFilesIfNecessary text, what does it mean and where can I find info on the other messages in this file. Thanks for any help.

Steve Harmeson
Enterprise System Support
Northrop Grumman Newport News IIS

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