Thanks Neil; good suggestion.

Question then is how important is it everytime we add a CSD or upgrade
versions of MQ to recopy the new runmqtrm to a new mymqtrm. I gotta think
the code on runmqtrm ain't changing anymore. Its not like we upgrade MQ
versions constantly, and I will put a note in our upgrade doc, but a few
years from now someone will forget that we did that. I wonder how important
that is?

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: Trigger Monitors (run under an ID other than mqm)

Hi Peter,

well done on getting this working, but you may want to consider copying the
runmqtrm binary and renaming it, rather than changing the installed binary
by altering the permissions. Some installation packaging features don't
like it when the software you are upgrading doesn't exactly match what is
expected, and I never feel comfortable changing the installed software
config like that.

I would look at "cp /opt/mqm/bin/runmqtrm /var/mqm/exits/mymqtrm; chmod 755
/var/mqm/exits/mymqtrm" and then use mymqtrm instead of runmqtrm.


Neil Casey
National Australia Bank
Southern Star Technology
WebSphere MQ Support
1/122 Lewis Rd Wantirna South
office. +61 3 9886 2375 (x82375)
mobile. +61 414 615 334

             "Potkay, Peter M
             (ISD, IT)"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
             HARTFORD.COM>             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Sent by: MQSeries                                          cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             n.AC.AT>                  Re: Trigger Monitors (run under an
                                       ID other than mqm)

             23/07/2004 10:35

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I got the default runmqtrm to run under another ID, and it kicks off
processes under that ID as well. Those triggered processes truly are
under the new ID (not mqm), as they follow the rules I set with setmqaut,
and doing a Q status shows the User ID connected is in fact the ID I want,
not mqm. If I try and send the triggered app to a queue I did not give it
authority to, it gets the 2035.

All I did to get runmqtrm to run as mqappsaa, and any triggered process to
run as mqappsaa, was the following. The triggered app should only be able

1. Create a group called mqappsaa
2. Create a user called mqappsaa, and put him into the group mqappsaa
3. setmqaut -m SOLARIS1 -t qmgr -g mqappsaa +allmqi
4. setmqaut -m SOLARIS1 -t q -n SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITATION.QUEUE -g mqappsaa
5. setmqaut -m SOLARIS1 -t q -n SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE -g mqappsaa
6. setmqaut -m SOLARIS1 -t q -n SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE -g mqappsaa
7. chmod 777 runmqtrm, so that anyone can start it. Probably can be tighter
on this step, but you get the point.
8. log on as mqm, just to prove it will work even if I su to mqappsaa
masun1 > su mqappsaa


$ whoami


$ runmqtrm -m SOLARIS1

5724-B41 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2002.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

WebSphere MQ trigger monitor started.


Waiting for a trigger message

/var/mqm/ 'TMC    2PETER

End of application trigger.


Waiting for a trigger message


9. Open up another session, and check what ID runmqtrm is running under:
masun1 > ps -ef|grep runmqtrm
     mqm  4160  3977  0 20:09:49 pts/3    0:00 grep runmqtrm

mqappsaa  4145  4143  0 20:02:12 pts/2    0:00 runmqtrm -m SOLARIS1

10. Drop a test message into the triggered queue, and quickly do the
following command to see what ID amqsget is running under. I triggered
amqsget to run in the background.
masun1 > ps -ef|grep amqsget

     mqm  4165  3977  0 20:20:09 pts/3    0:00 grep amqsget

mqappsaa  4163     1  0 20:20:03 pts/2    0:00 /opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsget

A Queue Status on the INIT queue and the DLQ shows runmqtrm running as
A Queue Status on SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE shows amqsget running as
mqappsaa, and it consumes the message.
Switching the process def to run amqsget against
SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUEXXXXXX causes the app to get a 2035, proving
security can be set on a triggered process started by the default runmqtrm.

-----Original Message-----
From: marty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: Trigger Monitors


>Can't you start the TM under another ID in the first place, like this?
>/usr/bin/su -  mqappid -c "/opt/mqm/bin/runmqtrm -m MYQMname -q
>Wouldn't this cause the TM to run as mqappid, and then any process it
>started would also run as mqappid?
World has no permissions by default so only root and user mqm or group mqm
members can start it (mqappid would need to be a member of group mqm).
Regardless of who starts runmqtrm, since it is setuid (and setgid) mqm it
will run with effective id mqm and effective group mqm, as will any
triggered program.  Plus, mqappid being a member of group mqm is probably
not a good thing.

If you unset setuid (and setgid), as Greg suggested in (b) (possibly
group mqm as owner and giving world r-x) then it will run as whomever
it, as will any triggered programs.  That allows any user to run the
monitor but the object authorities will determine if it can actually work.

The MQ permissions need to be set so that the user's group(s) has
permissions necessary to run the trigger monitor successfully.  I forget
exactly what the required settings are but something like get+inquire on
inititiation queue and display on the process.
I think a benefit of settings "-r-xr-xr-x mqm mqm", as opposed to
"-r-xr-x--- mqm mqapps" (see Greg's solution b), would be more control of
which groups could listen to which initq(s) and start which process(es)
instead of lumping them all into one group with common permissions.
on requirements - I guess that'd be more flexible but entail a bit more

Having all triggered programs run as user/group mqm can be problematic
though not nearly as bad as running them as root :-)
One issue is you probably don't want to give away mqm rights so readily.
Another is mqm often doesn't have rights to either start the triggered app
or do something the app is supposed to do.
Yet another arises when you use the client trigger monitor and hopefully
enforce clients attach as a user other than mqm.

I believe a problem with Dennis' suggestion is you cannot su in a
script/program unless you are root and you never want to run the trigger
monitor, nor anything else you don't have to, as root.  I think a non-root
issued su requires the password to be entered on a tty so you can't
one in or anything like that - assuming you'd even want to.

To not answer Greg's question I have no idea why runmqtrm is setuid/setgid
but it would be interesting to find out.  It's been that way for a very
time and I'm sure there is, or was, a logical reason.

I've used Greg's solution (a) before but seems like (b) would be better so
you don't lose track of all those trigger monitor programs.  Don't know if
there's a (c), outside of something like a custom trigger monitor running
root that can switch effective user/group before the system() call but that
doesn't sound like a great idea.  Maybe the list will come up with a good
answer for (c) - the optimal approach.

Just thought of one possible approach - leave runmqtrm as it is and
setuid/setgid the triggered applications to appropriate values.  One
drawback to that is devious app owners could, depending on permissions,
unset setuid/setgid so they get mqm rights.  mqm would have to be in the
group that owns the app too, if it's not world executable.  Oh well, it
might work.

Hope that helps the discussion some and didn't introduce much


Hi Greg, how are things at Pioneer?  Heard from Rob Rehms lately?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Miller, Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 6:21 PM
>Subject: Re: Trigger Monitors
>I think it's not so much the trigger monitor runs under MQM as that the
>triggered applications also inherit that userid. Since the mqadmin can
>tightly control what programs the trigger monitor can run, you might
>consider a scheme where the trigger monitor runs shell scripts that SU
>to a more appropriate userid before getting on with business logic.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Smith, Gregory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 11:47 AM
>Subject: Trigger Monitors
>I'm posting this here for discussion and will likely open a PMR with IBM
>to get their perspective.
>In the UNIX realm for a while we have discussed the fact we are not
>comfortable triggering an application and having it run as mqm with full
>mqm privileges.  We would prefer and are considering having multiple
>trigger monitors each running under a unique application group id.
>Naturally out of the box the trigger monitors attributes are set to
>force the monitor to run as mqm as the example below shows:
>        lx03-cluster:#> ls -al /opt/mqm/bin/run*
>        -r-sr-s---    1 mqm      mqm         18328 Feb 11 16:09
>#1 - Is anyone aware of a technical reason for this?
>We are considering two approaches to this
>a) Placing a copy of the executable in each application groups home
>directory.  The down side to this is we could have many versions that we
>as admins would have to keep track of whenever we apply maintenance to
>the software.
>b) Modifying the attributes of the source
>        -r-xr-x---    1 mqm      mqapp         18328 Feb 11 16:09
>        but again we would need to keep note of this whenever we apply
>maintenance to the software however this would be the lesser of the two
>c) are there other options??
>Thanks for your input in advance!
>Gregory P. Smith
>Pioneer, A DuPont Company
>Phone: 515-253-2468

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