Hello   all,

        I have noticed that 2009 reason code has been discussed a lot in this discussion group. Pardon me if my question is a total repeat. 

We are running MQ Series version 5.3 in a windows client/server environment.  (MQ Client version 5.3 : CSD01). We use security exits for authentication. We have been running MQ in this environment for about an year now and all of a sudden we started seeing a lot of 2009 reason codes on connection requests.  As far as we remember nothing changed on the machine in terms of operating system or properties on MQ etc.

Here is a summary of our architecture in short. We have an application that uses MQ API to send/receive messages. Here is a typical scenario, We have lot of client applications sending messages to a special queue. We have another special application  (server application) running that continuously polls this queue and picks up the client messages and processes them and puts them back in the respective client queues.

At the same time i see the following text in the Errors folder on the MQ Server machine.

----- amqxfdcp.c : 660 -------------------------------------------------------- 07/30/2004  13:37:43
AMQ6119: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred (Access Violation at address 016D1000 when reading)

----- amqxfdcp.c : 626 --------------------------------------------------------07/30/2004  13:37:43
AMQ6184: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred on queue manager QM_FieldNet01.

I browsed through some of the previous messages  and changed the following properties on the Queue Manager and it did not seem to help us much.

We are seeing this error very often.  We are kind of at a state where we are stuck and cannot go any further ...  Any information on this end would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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