
I'm not entirely sure I understand this priority vs. FIFO delivery dilemma,
so I'll just skip to the questions.
1. If you choose to trigger the forwarding application, it certainly is a
reasonable choice.
2. But, given the second question, the restriction of forwarding messages
due to a "queue full" condition sort of works against the way a triggered
application works.  The triggered application is responsible for draining
the messages and, if it fails to do so, you may run the risk of falling
into a trigger loop.  Your application could test the QDEPTH of the second
queue and decide if there's room to forward some messages.  But, in this
circumstance, I would think a standalone application that polled the first
queue would make more sense.

             Pavel Tolkachev
             DB.COM>                                                    To
             Sent by: MQSeries         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             List                                                       cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             n.AC.AT>                                              Subject
                                       Continuous forwarding of priority
                                       queue to a non-priority queue
             08/05/2004 12:16

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

One of my clients has a requirement to my application, which by its design
and specification cannot properly process the queue where prioritized
messages can be put, to process messages in accordance with their
priorities. I figured out that the most rational way to meet it would be to
just let MQ to prioritize the messages in some queue with
MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY) and transactionally forward all messages to an
additional queue with MSGDLVSQ(FIFO) from where my application could then
work. For performance reasons I think it is probably better for this new
forwarding application to be server application. For the administration
convenience and robustness, I think it might better be a triggered process
rather than a standalone daemon. I need help with two questions:

1.  Does my solution outlined above make sense? Especially -- what are pros
and contras and gotchas for making it a triggered process (I have never
written one before)?
2. Isn't there something around ready, like a service pack for doing this
type of work? One requirement I feel I will have to consider is that the
second queue must not be deep, otherwise, if the downstream process takes
too long, the messages of different original priority will pile up in the
secondary queue and the client will not be sastisfied with how we actually
obey that original priority. So, the solution must properly process the
"destination queue is full" condition.

Thank you,

                      Paul Clarke
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                      IBM.COM>                 cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: downloading
MO71 support pac....
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      07/22/2004 09:29
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List


Is it possible you're using the old webpage.  The SupportPacs have been
re-arranged recently.

I've just tried it from

and it seems to work fine for me.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

             "Capodicci, Dan
             (GE Commercial
             Finance)"                                                  To
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             .COM>                                                      cc
             Sent by: MQSeries
             List                                                  Subject
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         downloading MO71 support pac....

             20/07/2004 15:00

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List


After having read so many positive things recently about the MO71 support
pac, I decided to download it and take a look. But of course, it is never
that easy :) As I am trying to download it by clicking on the link, I get
the license acceptance window which I respond to "accept", then I get a
"Not Authorized" page ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? I have only done this about a
million times over the years (although it has been a while since the last)
and never had this happen. Has something changed that I missed?!? Any clues
about what I can do to download this support pac?!?!?


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