Title: FW: PMR 92013 B278 - first call in so no one is assigned yet

On testcase.boulder.ibm.com is a compressed tar of the logs and FDC for this issue within /ts/toibm/mqseries/pmr92013 directory called pmr92013.0810.tar.Z.

Received a FDC for SIGHUP of amqcrsta_nd process at 00:02 today.  It is not apparent why this error occurred.

# Initializing...
# Contacting target "mcfl1u0m"...
# Target:  mcfl1u0m:/

# MQSERIES                      B.11.530.02    WebSphere MQ for HP-UX
  MQSERIES.MQM-BASE             B.11.530.02    Files required on all systems
  MQSERIES.MQM-CL-HPUX          B.11.530.02    Remote client for HP-UX
  MQSERIES.MQM-JAVA             B.11.530.02    WebSphere MQ Java Client & JMS
  MQSERIES.MQM-KEYMAN           B.11.530.02    WebSphere MQ SSL Key management
  MQSERIES.MQM-MAN              B.11.530.02    Man pages     
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-CHINES        B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Simplified Chinese
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-CHINET        B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Traditional Chinese
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-FRENCH        B.11.530.02    Message catalog for French
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-GERMAN        B.11.530.02    Message catalog for German
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-ITALIAN       B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Italian
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-JAPAN         B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Japanese
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-KOREAN        B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Korean
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-PORT          B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Portuguese
  MQSERIES.MQM-MC-SPANISH       B.11.530.02    Message catalog for Spanish
  MQSERIES.MQM-RUNTIME          B.11.530.02    Files required on all systems
  MQSERIES.MQM-SAMPLES          B.11.530.02    Sample programs with source
  MQSERIES.MQM-SERVER           B.11.530.02    For WebSphere MQ Server systems
# MQSERIES                      B.11.530.05    WebSphere MQ Update (U487851) for HP-UX
  MQSERIES.U487851              B.11.530.05    WebSphere MQ Update for HP-UX

 mqm->uname -a
HP-UX hostname B.11.00 U 9000/800 644359353 unlimited-user license

    MQ Hotline: 201-703-7755

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