I was thinking that was the only way. I would guess that if anything was
installed or a configuration change that effected the REG since your last
backup, would get lost if you needed to restore. More than likely this would
be a DR situation and all bets are on getting the system up and running,

My take is that any backup of an MQ system is useless except for the config
info out of MS03 for rebuilding the QMGR. This relates to restoring "OLD"
messages to the QMGR. Sometimes that does more harm than good. ESP when your
system doesn't handle dups.

The backups may help if there was info lying around that you wanted to
restore from at the time of the backup. Though this is slightly improbable.

Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MQ & WBIMB Windows Backup
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 14:47:28 -0400

Although I've not done this for a queue manager, on other apps, I export
the registry entry, and import them when restoring...(using regedit).

Robert Broderick <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OTMAIL.COM> cc: Sent by: MQSeries Subject: MQ & WBIMB Windows Backup List <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .ac.at>

09/20/2004 02:06 PM Please respond to MQSeries List

When backing up a QMGR on Windows, what do you do about the Registry entries. Assuming you want to restore the QMGR from the backup.

Backing up the entire machine would help the restore but what if there were
other Apps on the machine.

Would you recreate the QMGR(s) (as they were to generate the reg entries)
and then overlay the info in \MQ\log\ and \MQ\Qmgrs\  from the backup??????

Or do you just recreate the QMGRS and use the MS03 output to reestablish
objects and move from there.


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