I just started a new job and one of the first things I have to do is migrate MQSeries running on Solaris 8 to a Linux redhat 9 box. I finally got MQ to allow me to create a queue but when I execute my program I get the following errors:
=====> Starting get_prices.pl, release 1.1, pid 18992, 10/21/2004 15:02:41 <=====
Log file:        /usr/home/harbor/logs/get_prices.pl.1021
Exit time:       22:00
Poll rate:       0 seconds
Revision:        1.1, 10/25/01 14:05:37
Paging:          yes
Log Level:       2
Quote Frequency (secs): 5
Echo:            0
Mqsc Cmd:        rsh hspapp03 /opt/mqm/bin/runmqsc qm.hspprod01
Mode:            read/write (2 processes)
MQCONN failed (Reason = 2059) (Queue manager not available for connection.) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/MQSeries/Queue.pm line 85
Unable to instantiate MQSeries::Queue object. at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/JEFCO/MQ.pm line 232.
-> Clear input Q APP.ILX.INT1.IN failed, reading til empty
-> Entering ReadTilEmpty, pid 18992, input Q APP.ILX.INT1.IN
-> Making JEFCO::MQ::Reader:
   Server:      APP.HSPPROD01/TCP/hspapp03(1414)
   Manager:     qm.hspprod01
   TimeOut:     0
   Queue:       APP.ILX.INT1.IN
   Logger:      Log=HASH(0x804d1e0)

*> Unable to instantiate MQSeries::Queue object.

!> Queue not open.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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